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Is there anyway I could "single click to choose all the images in a graphics folder in PtoE 4.0" for use as slides? I find this feature very much needed in my projects. Kindly let me know. Thank you.



On the top left of the left window, under "Name", you will see a yellow icon of an open folder. Click on it to browse to your folder. When you'll see all images names, click right-click on any file and a menu will open. Choose "Add all pictures". You can also choose "Select all pictures" and then drag and drop them to the window on right side.

I hope this was was question



That solved the answer to my ignorance, and it will help me quicken doing my project. Thanks a lot to you and to Igor. B)


Also there is another way to quickly select or deselect all images in the file panel, just press Gray * key on the keyboard (right-top part).


Thank's a lot; I will try that trick too.

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