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Once a more I can't see your test, my PC is out, I am obliged to do a hard reset.

If you put at the beginning of you files only 2 littles slides with a black screen for instance, it's generally enough in order to see the demo.


Hi Jean-Pierre,

Try it again - I put a couple small jpg title frames in front

Best regards,



Once a more I can't see your test, my PC is out, I am obliged to do a hard reset.

If you put at the beginning of you files only 2 littles slides with a black screen for instance, it's generally enough in order to see the demo.

Thanks - but all the credit really goes to Panos - he has a great action for both these effects. I just threw in a little snow effect.

He is going to post the swf file and tutorial (Flash AV and PDF) on his site when he gets a chance (he's been really tied up at work lately with a major deadline). He really has some incredible Photoshop actions which work very well in conjunction with PTE.

Best regards,


Looks very realistic! :) Nice work by both you and Panos!

Hi Ray,

Thanks but the credit really goes to Panos for his incredible Photoshop actions. His Photoshop skills are absolutely amazing to me.

Best regards,


Looks fantastic Lin, two great minds working together, looking foreward now to the PS Action.

Thanks to both you and Panos.


Try it again - I put a couple small jpg title frames in front

Thanks, Lin, now it's OK, I can see it, it's nice result, we really can do many things with PZR effects and PNG files. Just need to have imagination (and good photos).



This is an excellent effect. Panos is certainly prolific and the number of downloads on his site is an indication of how well his work is regarded. It's good to see the results of your collaborative work. Thanks.



Thanks! Yes, it's actually already done but I'm waiting for Panos to get some time to post it on his site. He's been buried in work deadlines but has the files and even a Flash AV tutorial.

Best regards,



Excellent, as always.

Do you still plan to release a template ? :)

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