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I'm going to risk myself here and admit I haven't used templates up to this point.

What are they good for? What sort of stuff gets stored in a template? How do you create one? How do you use one?

How about a tutorial or any other information explaining templates in a general way?




Hi Dave,

No flames (I promise)...it's a good question as people possibly don't use them enough.

Templates are extremely useful for a number of reasons.

- Have you ever worked on more than one computer or made a joint production with anyone else and had trouble moving images etc between PC's?

- Have you ever wanted to create a backup of your sequence or move it to another file directory?

- Has your computer ever crashed and corrupted any of your disks with your sequences on and then you can't recreate a sequence becuase you've lost the information?

All of these scenarios can be catered for if you use templates. They store all the information and files used in your sequence. That includes the PTE file, the .exe, jpegs, and sound files - the whole lot. You create one by using "File\Create Template from this show". It creates a folder with a .pt extension. This can then be copied to cd or to another machine or to another file directory. You can then open it up in the new location and access the files from within PTE. I make templates of all my shows and off load them to cd for backup purposes.

In v5 there is also a new feature "Create backup in zip" this essentially does the same thing as the templates so you will soon have a choice of which method to use.

Hope this helps,



AAhh Templates ~ The 'Lifeboat' of the PTE Program and the best 'Library Archiver' you could create.

Its simple, if you know what a Word Document Template is then the PTE Template is the Graphic

equivalent of that and much more.

In essence it is a retrieverable 'Hard Copy' of your PTE Show Folder which resides within the PTE Folder

and can be extracted onto or into whatever you fancy:- Into other Programs,or on to Hard Discs, CD-Roms,

Memo-Stiks, Laptops, other Computers, Networks, Raid Archivers and a lot more.

On PTE Main Window (Top Left) select-->File-->Templates-->Create Template from this Show-->Click that.

If you want to see it go to the PTE Program Folder-->Open it-->select Templates. And thats all you do !



All of these scenarios can be catered for if you use templates. They store all the information and files used in your sequence. That includes the PTE file, the .exe, jpegs, and sound files - the whole lot.

Hope this helps,

I don't think that the template will include the .exe file, you will have to copy and paste this into the folder yourself.



Hi Ron,

Yes, you are right - the .exe is not included and you have to copy this into the folder manually. What the template does save, however, is all the components necessary to recreate the .exe should the need arise.


Hi Dave,

Just to avoid confusion. The term "template" is actually being used two ways on the forum here. First, as explained above for creating a stand-alone compendium of the files, image and relationships so you can later easily reconstruct a slideshow on any system having PTE installed, but there is another meaning which could result in confusion if one didn't know the context under which the term was being used.

Members also create specific effects and animations which can be shared with other PTE users but unique in that it's possible to substitute the variables (images, text, etc.) specific to your own purposes and enjoy the animations, etc., seen on the original slideshow.

For example. Suppose you wanted to see JPD's (Jean-Pierre's) or the Dom's photo album but with your own pictures and as a component of your own slideshow? Then you download and use the "template" provided by the original publisher but substitute your own images (variables) by renaming your images to the same name as those used by the creator of the template. Then when you play your slideshow you get the animations, etc., of the demo but with your own pictures, etc.

A recent example of this was the Snow Globe template I posted. You simply use my PTE file but substitute your own framed image inside the PanosFX snowglobe via the Panos Photoshop action (obtained free by registering on the PanosFX site) for my panostest.jpg image by either removing my image from the folder and replacing it with your own image (also named pansotest.jpg) or overwriting the original with your own. The when you create your executable, AVI or DVD your image appears inside the Snow Globe with animated snow falling.

So this is yet another meaning and use of the term "template" as used here on the forum....

Best regards,


I'm going to risk myself here and admit I haven't used templates up to this point.

What are they good for? What sort of stuff gets stored in a template? How do you create one? How do you use one?

How about a tutorial or any other information explaining templates in a general way?




Also for new projects.

Every time I create a slideshow I just want Fade

I want it to end with the last slide.

I want it to start with a blank slide. ect ect ect.....

So I made a slideshow that has all of these things.

and I saved it as a template

Go into manage templates and set it for

the default for new projects with the check box.

So when I start a new show all of my setting are how I want them.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Chuck,

Thanks for this tip. Up until now I've been re-setting my preferred options every time I start a new project. Thanks to you, I've now got them pre-set.




On the subject of Templates, I am building a reasonable number from others more creative than I, e.g. JPD, TheDom, etc. In ProShow Producer I can build a new show by using sections from other templates, can this be done with PTE?


Hello Ray

I don't seem to be able to access the file? Is there any other route?

Hello Ray

I don't seem to be able to access the file? Is there any other route?

Sorry mike afraid I dont know but have a look here Cut and Paste slides between sequences

take animated slides across to another show By Maureen on 4th Feb




I have found the Hawk posting, did a search under members and found entry 31206 and then copied into word. It seems pretty straight forward, thanks again Ray.


Thats good Mike glad i could help, As I said I have used it even the Multiple ones and they are very useful.

All the best Mike.


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