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Its probably some little thing I am missing but it is so frustrating to set up all your comments for each slide and then when I come back to it it has disappeared. Yes I do save. I did up a little mini presentation and looked good on my computer and then took to a friends computer and there was no text. B)

Also is there somewhere I can go to get a tutorial on how to set up the Intro page.? Again it is probably sitting right in front of me but cannot see it.

Thanks much :blink:


Ken as far as I know it was but must admit did not check it before copying to CD. However why would the text disappear anyway if you have put it in. Am now trying to add in the Object Editor to see if that works.

I mean by the intro page the first page that comes up in the presentation where you may have a title and a background picture and your name etc.



you probably mean "Startup window". You will find it in "Project options" / "Main" tab, there is a button called "Customized Startup window". Don't forget to check the "Show startup window". If you want to further customize you window, go to "Project options" / "Messages" tab, and look for "Startup window".

As for your text problem, if you put it there, any other user should see it, even if he don't have the font you choosed.


Yes boxiq....thanks......I have done all that and even put in a password thinking that may help but when I go to preview there is no startup page.

I think I did sort the other problem out and am editing each slide in "Object Editor".


well your buddy may have a font problem

if the font you specified is not on his machine then his machine is supposed to pick a system font --

and did you check the box to make it stay

comments screen/set all comments for all slides~~

did you check the box main/ show startup window

in your excitement to get your show "on the road"

you will likely find you have not been clicking boxes B)

if you are doing special things make sure you have customize slide box checked beside object editor button

and dont feel bad "we all been there done that"



Thanks Ken.....I tried that with the startup window and checked everything and an image came up but it looks like it is in an explorer window and at the bottom it says Run Help Exit...certainly not like the ones I have seen for samples. Also did what boxinq suggested with the messages but when I do that one that comes up in a little explorer window that says "Startup Window" and then there is my name etc but just like it looks in messages.....didn't think this is so great.

Really appreciate your help and understanding...also my program doesn't look the same as the one in the Help Section...some of the functions are the same but the one under Project Options Main tab it is really different. I really don't find HELP so helpful so really good to have this forum and hopefully one day I can help others.

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