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V5-Beta New Bug?

Guest Techman1

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Guest Techman1

I believe I found a new problem in Beta8z. I created several slide shows and noticed that part of my images were getting chopped off when played on a DVD player. No problem, I remembered this time to change the Screen % down to 90 percent. That way everything should be showing up okay. When I played the DVD, I found that many of my images weren't where they were suppose to be on the screen.

After checking these, I noticed that images where I had zoomed the image and panned one way or the other, were way off after changing the % down to 90.

This is changed in the Project Options, under Screen and then under Additionally. The second entry:

____ % of slide to show main images

Has anyone else experienced this. I can fix it, but these are wedding slideshows and there are three parts with over 800 photos. Not much fun to fix and look through (no I didn't PZR on all of them, just some and mostly Zoom to keep from cropping).

Anyway, hopefully Igor (and/or team) will have a look and can fix or recommend something for the future. :lol:

Take care all,


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Almost all commercial DVD movies I've seen use entire area of a DVD picture.

On my opinion it better use all screen and only care about text labels that should be located inside safe zone.

I use LCD projector connected via HDMI cable to my DVD player and I always uncheck safe zone option to see entire DVD picture on a screen.

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Guest Techman1

Normally, I wouldn't have a problem with this. Unfortunately, I didn't photograph this wedding and I'm taking multiple people's digital photos and combining them into a slideshow for this couple. The camera's used were various types and models, so the formatting of the Jpeg's are different sizes (4:3 & 3:2). I didn't want to crop that many photos, so I was hoping to simply use the reduce screen size percent function to accomplish this. It just seemed like a bug in the code or maybe you didn't intend to have the screen size function enabled in Version 5? I was just trying to use it like in the past. It was very effective with the exception of the images where PZR were applied.

No problem for now as I've just gone back in and used everything at 100% and have simply resized the main photos that were causing a problem. The other images will just remain off a little as this isn't a paying gig for this client (friends wedding, but it was in Hawaii so I wasn't able to make it).

Anyway, thank you for the reply. I'm good for now.



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Were you by any chance using the option, "Cover Slide", in O&A? This will crop some images in certain scenarios.

Or is the problem only after you have converted to video and played the presentation back on a TV or projector?

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Guest Techman1


No I was only using "Fit to Slide". This problem only occurred after I changed the Slide Viewing Percentage from 100% to 90% for all slides. It seems to move the center point once this is done. I didn't do a lot of testing to see why or how, I only know it messes up the alignment. I had saved my projects prior to making this change (the 90%), so it was easy to just revert back and go forward. I'll just lose part of some of the photos, but it's not too bad and I'm really wanting to get this project out the door so I can start on some paying jobs that are backing up. :blink:

Take care,


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Guest Techman1
Probably we'll add special option in the next version - zooming of slide (100% by default) for entire slide show.

Thanks Igor! I hope you are doing well.



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