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Comments for Slides Implementation


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Comments for Slides Implementation

This started on the recent thread titled "Dvd Burning Not Working!" starting with post #4



I'm a bit puzzled by your comments on the "comments" facility in PTE, especially coming as they are at this time in the development process. It seems to me that your suggestions would have been more useful to Igor if they had been presented much earlier in the process.


I have made postings about this several months ago. I was reluctant to add more postings since I was expecting the feature to be added sooner and I wanted to wait to see what was being done before posting more. At the moment, I'm concerned there won't be enough time for feedback and changes on the current schedule.

Basically, I'm hoping the implementation of the comment feature for P2E 5.0 allows one to setup how all the comments will be seen in one or so dialog boxes, and then pull the text from the JPG files. It is not critical that P2E pulls them from the JPG files, but I strongly feel the comments should stay with the images, that they are part of the images, and having to retype them in P2E (or any other slideshow program) is a unnecessary waste of time. Slideshow programs come and go, the images files are kept for a lifetime. From what I understand, P2E 4.x did this although the quality of the rendered text was not very good.

I may have confused my previous post by lumping together the text object with comments. What this post is concerned about is the comment feature only.

Since there may not be any time to change the way it is implemented I will repeat what I think should be basic functions for the comment feature in P2E ver 5.0

- pull comments from various parts of JPEG meta file area

- set amount of time and when (or begin, end time) comment appears

- allow precise position of comment (x,y, percent, etc)

- shadows and antialias are really needed to keep quality on same standard as rest of program

- some basic set of transition for how the comment comes on/off screen (fade, scroll, horz, vert, etc)

The comment function can be a very powerful feature if the results are of the same quality and it is easy to use. It won't prevent people from adding more text, in text objects, in any way they like, but it will allow a large number of users who want to share slideshows with friends with comments without purchasing additional software and spending time learning to manipulate layers, waiting for the scripts to produce individual PNG files, creating objects for each one and placing them in each slide, creating numerous keypoints. Plus the difficulty of editing comments after they are made.

Yesterday we fully completed Text, Button objects, text comments, text macros.

It will be in beta 9.

Text comment in fact usual text object that can be fine corrected in Visual editor.

Igor, what is not clear to me in your post (#13 of above thread) is whether there is an overall setup dialog box that allows one to set all the parameters for the comments for all slides and only leaves entering the comments in each JPG file. For more elaborate text on a given slide, I expect to leave the comment field in the JPG blank and add a text object, with custom settings, to that slide.

I don't think this is a difficult thing to do and it is available in competing products, but I really wonder if this is going to be in the final version since it has not been available to look at in the approximately 30+ beta versions released so far.

Crossing my fingers,

Steve Newcomb

Tucson, AZ USA

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Comments for Slides Implementation

This started on the recent thread titled "Dvd Burning Not Working!" starting with post #4



I have made postings about this several months ago. I was reluctant to add more postings since I was expecting the feature to be added sooner and I wanted to wait to see what was being done before posting more. At the moment, I'm concerned there won't be enough time for feedback and changes on the current schedule.


As you know from past experience, issuing an "official" version is not the end of the design process for Igor and his team. It is really just a formality, as PTE is continuously being updated and improved, even after the "official" version is completed.

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