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Hi There in PTE World

I am a recent convert from ProShow Producer 3.0 which does have a number of nice features. One which I used when burning a DVD is the option to run a short Introduction before displaying the DVD Menu. I cannot find this feature thus far in PTEv5.0, is there any work around to this.



This has been dealt with before in version 4.0 and I placed an Intro Demo on the Beechbrook site some moons ago. But I have also placed a large file on my website where you will find it on the Links page, by clicking on the Sutton Camera Club logo lower left on the page. This was created using both versions 4.0 and 5.0 as some of the features needed are not yet available in 5.0 but I believe will be included in Beta #9. Be patient and good luck.

Ron [uK]


Hello Ron

That certainly is a large file, when I try to play the .pte file it tells me that a picture is missing, C:\SCC AV 2006/SCC AV06.ico. I cannot get beyond this point, is there a way round this problem.

In my earlier posting I am not too sure that I have used the Queen's English correctly. The Introduction that I am wish to show is a Warning (Disclaimer) and a 20th Century Fox picture opening effect before the menu is displayed. Is this what you thought that I was looking for?


Hello Ken

Thanks for your response, my problem is I am not sure how to link it to the main show, can you suggest where I can get that knowledge.


Ken, thanks for your help, I will review the threads sent me.

Hi There in PTE World

I am a recent convert from ProShow Producer 3.0 which does have a number of nice features. One which I used when burning a DVD is the option to run a short Introduction before displaying the DVD Menu. I cannot find this feature thus far in PTEv5.0, is there any work around to this.

Hello Mike,

I'm not sure this is what you are after but heres an opening I designed for the opening of my A.V. evenings.

I can let you have a template if you wish.




Hello Mightec,

Here is what I use - it is much the same as the one that Tomuk has sent to you.

I am working on a pdf tutorial at the moment (rather than a template) because I think that you should make your own intro and thereby learn how to do things. If you want to have the pdf when it is done, please send me you email and I will add you to my 'tutorials' group listing.



Hello Tom and Ron

Yes that is the type of thing that I use, I created in blender, then imported into ProShow Producer and made a .psh file which I can run before my menu opens. I have just thought that I can created an exe file will this enable me to run with a PTE show? I would welcome a copy of pdf tutorial when available. Thank you both for your help, greatly appreciated.


Sorry you couldn't open the *.pte file because of the missing SCC AV06.ico image. I have downloaded the whole file and whilst the *.ico appears to be there you are quite right, PTE is saying it is missing. When you open the *.pte file and the missing image message comes up, just click on the project options button and Main>Uncheck "Use your own icon". Hope that works for you. If you then Preview and the opening sequence finishes with a spin (inserted to allow a transition from Ver. 5.0 to Ver. 4.8) run your mouse over the portraits or logo. If the hand appears there is a sequence to open from that person or the Club.

Ron [uK]


Hello Ron

Thanks for coming back to me, I can now open the sequence but I have lost my cursor, I didn't get any spinning and I cannot open anything.


Hi Mightec.

I will gladly send you a copy pdf when I have finished it, but you did not provide me with your email address!!


Hi There in PTE World

I am a recent convert from ProShow Producer 3.0 which does have a number of nice features. One which I used when burning a DVD is the option to run a short Introduction before displaying the DVD Menu. I cannot find this feature thus far in PTEv5.0, is there any work around to this.

I think I am understanding your request a little differently than our other helpful members.

I believe you can simply put several PTE shows into DVD format and put them all onto your single DVD. Your "Intro" show is one of the shows burned to your DVD. The settings you need to make in your DVD authoring program are : 1. Designate which show you want to "auto start" instead of auto starting to the DVD Menu. 2. Set the DVD program to return to the DVD Menu after each show is played. If that is what you are seeking, I am quite sure (but not able to try it right now) that you can do this with Video Builder as it stands as part of PTE Version 5 Beta #8u.



I think that you are correct. I can see the point you are making about the DVD menu setup, it is exactly what I do. When I make my DVD (in Video Builder) I always add my 'intro' as the first slide show, then I add the remaining slide shows. As long as you set the option to 'return to menu after each slide, it will always return to the DVD menu after the intro sequence. Then all I do is select the next slide show (not necessarily in sequence).

Is this what you are meaning?



Hi LumenLux/Ron

Thank you for your help, that seems to be what I am trying to do. However, my remaining problem is that my Intro is in PSP and AVI form, neither of which PTE support. So it looks like a makeover so your pdf tutorial will be very useful. I can produce an EXE file, can I do anything with this? Can I use an EXE file and link it to the PTE generated DVD?

Ron my email address is mike@slideshows4u.co.uk

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