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I have just upgraded some parts of my pc, and now notice some stuttering and jerkiness in the panning etc when running pte shows, which I did not experience prior to my upgrading.

I have downloaded and run Igor's "pte show"for v5 for testing modern graphics cards, and "concorde" from Beechbrook, both of which now show this problem.

Does anybody know of anything I might be able to do to help rectify this problem?

My new pc specs are as follows:-

Amd athlon 64 processor 3700+,

Nvidia GeForce 7100GS 256mb graphics card (previous graphics card Nvidia geforce 5600 256mb)

2Gb ram

Directx 9.0c

Any help given would be much appreciated.

Many thanks




Have you started using a higher monitor resolution? If so, this could be the reason for some stuttering. I find I need to adjust my monitor to around 1280x768 to eliminate stuttering during the transitions. Also, it helps to shut down all other non-essential processes in the background before previewing or running a show, especially if your show has a lot of action happening at once, or too-large images, etc. I use a little utility called "Enditall" (advertised HERE) to shut down processes which are not required.


Hi Al

thanks for your reply, it is much appreciated.

I am still using the same monitor resolution 1024 x 768 as I was before and I probably have less things running in the background now than I did before my upgrade as I have had to format my hard drive and reinstall windows, would that be correct thinking?

I guess in my naivity, I thought because everything ran smoothly before, then upgrading my pc to a faster spec and using a better graphics card that things would continue to run as smoothly.

I didn't have to shut down non essential processes running in the background before, I guess I just find it strange that I would have to do so now, is this something you would strongly advise me to do? and is the utility that you mentioned easy to use?

Again, many thanks

kind regards




Sounds like everything should be OK and you should have the horsepower to run things smoothly. I would try "Enditall" (I believe it's been replaced by "Taskpower 2") - it's very easy to use, and works for me on both pc & laptop. Just a bit of a nuisance if you have to use it whenever you are viewing or previewing a show. You might use it to narrow down the problem, though, by eliminating the other processes one at a time.


Your system specs are more than enough for smooth playback at 1024x768, particularly since you had smooth playback on these shows on a lesser system. Reinstalling windows usually results in fewer programs and applets loaded at startup, but also results in different software being loaded for new hardware. So I would suspect the problem is with one of these programs or drivers. Check to see if you have the latest driver for your video card in particular. Even if you do, try reinstalling it. Video cards can be finicky to setup. Once I had poor performance with many artifacts after upgrading a video card. It turned out a setting in the motherboard BIOS, which worked fine for the previous card, were not good for the new card. After correcting that setting, all was fine. That is another area to look at and confirm that the settings in the motherboard BIOS agree with the features on your card (such as AGP, PCI, speed 4x,8x,etc). Lastly, identify if you can any new software, perhaps a new antivirus program, you have installed, disable it and see if that is the source of the problem.

Steve Newcomb

Tucson, AZ USA


I'm apologize for this problem!

Probably I'm wrong, but Geforce 5600 much faster than Geforce 7100.

In v5.00 we did all for ideally smooth playback of Pan/Zoom effects.

But slow video card or bad drivers sometimes may break our efforts.

Please try to install latest drivers, maybe it will help

p.s. on my PC even high activity of some program in background doesn't affect on Pan/Zoom effects.


Hi again

thankyou so much for all your replies, they really are appreciated.

I'm afraid some of the things you have been talking about eg reinstalling graphics card drivers are beyond me, so I guess I will need to speak to the man who upgraded my pc, but I am not able to do that at the moment as it is a holiday here in the uk at the moment.

I have since tried an experiment that seems to reproduce this problem that I am having, I don't know if this helps or not but perhaps you can point me in the right direction if I am doing something wrong.

I followed Ronniebootwest's pdf tutorial on panning, resizing my photo to 1024 x 768 to match my monitor resolution size and when previewing in pte everythig ran smoothly.

I then tried it again keeping my original photo size of 3872 x2592 and then followed the rest of the tutorial keeping all other settings the same, when previewing this slide, it exhibited the problems I'm having of being jerky, jumping, stuttering etc.

Does this shed any more light on the situation, or am I barking up the wrong tree?

many thanks once again

Kind regards



hello again

just an addendum to my last post, when I did the panning test with my photo kept to the original size (3872 x 2592), in the properties tab, the selection in the Mode drop down box was set to 'Fit to Slide', and this gave me problems of stuttering etc when previewing, and also in 'created exe'.

I have since tried adding various photos to my panning test project using Original in the Drop down box and tried setting various speeds and directions of panning all of which run smoothly. The only time I have problems with panning exhibiting stuttering etc in my own projects is when I add slides and have the 'Fit to Slide' option set in the mode drop down box.

Don't know if this helps or has made things more confusing, please forgive me if it has.

kind regards


I followed Ronniebootwest's pdf tutorial on panning, resizing my photo to 1024 x 768 to match my monitor resolution size and when previewing in pte everythig ran smoothly.

I then tried it again keeping my original photo size of 3872 x2592 and then followed the rest of the tutorial keeping all other settings the same, when previewing this slide, it exhibited the problems I'm having of being jerky, jumping, stuttering etc.


That size is probably larger than your system can handle without shutting down all the other running processes. Of course it depends on how many other images are also that size, and whether you have a lot of objects in play.

I have used very large images for panning, but they are large only in one direction, depending on the direction of panning (either horizontally or vertically). For zooming, it might be necessary to keep the zoom ratio to no more than 2 times the screen size. Otherwise, you might have to use the method I described earlier to shut down all other background processes. Also, try reducing the jpeg quality to achieve smaller image files (you can get away with lesser quality images if they are in motion through panning or zooming than if they are stationary on the screen).

"Fit to slide" should not be a factor unless you are leaving your computer monitor set at a very high resolution.



I have been in touch with the man who did my pc upgrade and he would like to know if P2E is able to be run by the nvidia geforce 7 series of graphics cards. (mine is a geforce 7100gs and I have a lot of jumping and stuttering when running P2E presentations)

If anyone could let me know, it would be very much appreciated.

Many thanks.

Kind regards



PicturesToExe 5 works with any video cards, including Geforce 7.

But I'm afraid Geforce 7100 is not enough fast video card. It's the slowest video card in Geforce series.

I just checked specifications on NVIDIA web site and found that:

- Geforce 7600 in 4 times faster than Geforce 7100.

- Geforce 7950 in 12 times faster than Geforce 7100.

Although model 7100 in Geforce 7 series, but even Geforce 5700 works much faster.

If it possible, please upgrade your video card.

I'm really sorry about this problem, but we can't do anything with it. Pan/Zoom effects require more fast video card.


Thankyou so much for getting back to me with information on nvidia graphics cards.

My computer man talked about overclocking the 7100gs to see if that would work, but in the end we decided to go for a 7600gs, should this card be ok?

Many thanks, once again

kind regards



Yes, Geforce 7600 GS is a perfect video card for PicturesToExe.

By the way, today we've bought this video card (Geforce 7600 GS, 128 bit, 256 MB) for investigations for future versions of PicturesToExe. Our programmer Artem finished his part of work for v5.00 (CPU based graphical engine) and now he will work on optimization of encoding of AVI and DVD for v5.10 or v5.20

p.s. I'm testing pre-beta 9 now. It almost ready.


Hello again

I'd like to give a big thankyou to all those that have helped to solve my problem, it's nice to be a part of a forum with people who are willing to help others and who are so quick with their responses.

My problem is now solved as I have upgraded my graphics card to a Nvidia GeForce 7600gs, and now everything is running fine again.

Many, many thanks once again

Kind regards


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