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I have tried in vain to contact the support at WnSoft for the past 24 hours to find out where or how to download my copy of PicturesToExe program that I purchased yesterday morning (I have the order number on hand)... NO ONE will answer my emails! I am about at the end of my frustration level at this point - anyone out their know how to contact these people or at least how to get my money back? Thanks in advance for any help here!



Welcome to the Forum!

WnSoft usually close down over the weekend, so that could be a reason for no reply yet.

However, don't despair - the enjoyment you will get out of PTE in the future will be well-worth any wait at this stage of the game.

It sounds like you already have your key so all you have to do is go onto the WnSoft website and download PTE 4.48, the latest "official" version of PTE. Then you simply put the "key" file in the same folder as the one where you downloaded and installed the "trial" version of PTE, double-click on it, and voila! - your registration "key" will be put into the registry and will unlock the program for you. Let us know if you have any problems locating the key file. See HERE for some further information from the forum on registration of the program. Best of luck!


Howdy Al, thanks for the speedy response (I work in the afternoons and didn't catch your post until I got home just now)...

I don't know what the "key" thing is all about, I just have an order confirmation number from the on-line billing company "regnow" saying that I have paid (with my card) for the product... The "KEY" - I have no clue (and I "ain't" exactly new to computers)... Don't know what to do save pay for the durn thing again which I hate to do...

Ah well, I'm stuck with a 10 slide preview when I have 400 to put together for a program! Back to the drawing board and look to other companies... The WnSoft Inc. guys STILL haven't had the courtesy to answer my several emails... Maybe time for the Better Business Bureau...

Howdy Al, thanks for the speedy response (I work in the afternoons and didn't catch your post until I got home just now)...

I don't know what the "key" thing is all about, I just have an order confirmation number from the on-line billing company "regnow" saying that I have paid (with my card) for the product... The "KEY" - I have no clue (and I "ain't" exactly new to computers)... Don't know what to do save pay for the durn thing again which I hate to do...

Ah well, I'm stuck with a 10 slide preview when I have 400 to put together for a program! Back to the drawing board and look to other companies... The WnSoft Inc. guys STILL haven't had the courtesy to answer my several emails... Maybe time for the Better Business Bureau...


On your order confirmation you would have the KEY as its called this will more than likely be in the form of a Text file called Reg txt, just do as All says with it and you will have your PTE registered.Also check Here http://www.guru.to.it/en/tips/regkey_en.htm



Ray/Al et al, I have checked my program files under PicturesToExe and there is no extension with a .reg or a .key (also checked the responses to crystal which don't seem to help)... Ideas here?


At the very bottom of your email order confirmation, as RayC said-


On your order confirmation you would have the KEY as its called

not your program files-

I have checked my program files under PicturesToExe and there is no extension with a .reg or a .key

You will have 2 lines, the first starting with- REGEDIT4

and the second starting with- "Key"="

Copy and paste these 2 lines to Notepad.

You then open the trial version of PTE v4.48 you have and a dialogue appears with - at bottom left - Load Key. You will then see an Open dialogue, and you navigate to your saved file in Notepad. :)

Good Luck.


Hi There,

When you buy the PTE Program we always receive an EMail from the Marketing Vendors, this

Company is alltogether seperate from the WnSoft Software Company.

At the bottom of that received EMail will be a long string of characters, example shown below:-




Copy and Paste the whole thing into "Notepad" (save as) and place that within the PTE Program Folder

and 'restart' your PC. That should do it for you.



The recent registration key I purchased on behalf of a pal came with an identical page that is shown above. The registration code/key was an attachment called Reg.text. I use Thunderbird and I found it at the base of the message.

Hope this helps.


I am STILL not a proud owner of the program that I paid for! All of your tips lead back to the same thing, an attachment with an extension either of .reg or .key... I have no attachment, no string of letters and no extensions as mentioned - simply the letter that I have already posted (top to bottom, full scan)... I am VERY frustrated in the fact that the company has not responded to my emails! I hate to do it but maybe the Washington State Better Business Bureau can at least get them to respond to me - I DON'T like throwing away my money!!!!!!! Thanks for your attempts, it's just not there!


Just got two emails from WnSoft solving the whole thing - FINALLY! Their first message a couple of days ago did NOT have the attached .zip file as I just received, making it all very simple to extract and set-up, what a relief!

Now I'll be back to the general forum in a bit trying to learn more from all you gurus - Thanks!


I'm sorry about this problem!

Our automated system sends registration keys within several minutes once you've placed an order. But some mail servers or email programs block attached key file or modifies it.

I'll think how to improve it after releasing of v5.00

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