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I have used the Photo Album template a few times now to create different slideshows and saved them generally as a .pte file. When I reopen the file in PTE it previews as the last show. To explain I created a show of my holiday in Portugal and saved that as photo album.pte, when I reopened the file I was working in a new show called Burma.pte, the reopened Portugal file then previewed as Burma. What am I doing wrong?

Guest Techman1

Does it actually preview the images from the other slideshow or are you just still seeing them in the file list? Have you tried saving your Burma PTE slideshow after opening it and then tried to preview? Same result? Is this using V5-Beta9?

Let us know a little more about the situation.




Hi Fred

I will try and explain what is happening. I am using one of TheDom's templates, Photo Album, which I created using PTE Beta#9 from which I created two separate PTE files, e.g. Burma and Portugal. At the same time I created a .exe and .scr file of each show. When I play the .exe files they play OK, however, when I play the .pte files they turn out to be the same show.

What I have now realised is that notwithstanding that I have created the .pte file and saved it at a separate place and with it own file name, when I open it in PTE, it plays the slides that are currently sitting in the original template. My new question is this what always happens? To play a .pte file do I need to make sure that the original template files are the sames as I have in the show.


Mike, you may want to open the .pte (text file) for each of your shows and see if they are indeed different, or whether you somehow erroneously saved the same .pte file as two different names. It has been done before, though I won't say who did it. <_<


Hi Mike,

I keep all my templates in seperate folder, When I want to use one Like the Photo Album I copy the Doms Album folder to my Slideshow folder I then open that into to PTE and make my Album saveing to MYName.pte

for my next Album I do, I follow exactly the same procedure useing another copy of The Doms Photo Album and have had no problems at all, I still have The Doms photo Album intact as the day I got it.



Hi Ray/LumenLux

I am pretty certain that I had separate copies of the shows because the .exe files show a different slideshow. Ray - I note your method, does this mean that you are taking up valuable disc space? Clearly there is a problem using the original template file each time, but I do keep separate copies of all of the slides, so in the end I will just have to copy and paste them back into the template file.

The Photo Album, like all of TheDom's templates really does work very well indeed, I am very pleased with them all, so sorry to hear of the problems with his web site.

Hi Ray/LumenLux

I am pretty certain that I had separate copies of the shows because the .exe files show a different slideshow. Ray - I note your method, does this mean that you are taking up valuable disc space? Clearly there is a problem using the original template file each time, but I do keep separate copies of all of the slides, so in the end I will just have to copy and paste them back into the template file.

The Photo Album, like all of TheDom's templates really does work very well indeed, I am very pleased with them all, so sorry to hear of the problems with his web site.

Hi mike,

I only do these for friends and family and once i am sure its ok then I save the complete PTE with all photos,music + anything else that may be there onto DVD's can get quite a few on one.

You are right Thedoms albums work really well and i enjoy doing them, i to am very sorry to hear about is problems.


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