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Hello, I created a Show that contains only one picture. This picture (.jpg) is

6MB and has 18245 x 2415 pixels (New York City Skyline, Hudson in front,

a panorama combined from multiple photos using Photo Stitch software).

My Show has got two keypoints, first the whole picture is shown fullscreen,

then I zoom into it (2nd) and then I move the camera along the skyline (3rd).

It looks pefekt in the visual editor, when I move the little blue arrow I see

exaclty the hahaviour that I want. But both when pressing "Preview" or from

a generated .exe only a black screen is produced during the whole show.

Maybe it's just because of the sheer size of that one picture, on the other

hand the resulting .exe (also about 6MB) is not that big. Anyways, I just

wanted to report the issue here.


I tried to recreate the problem on my system, the biggest pano I have is 20000 x 2166 at a file size of 16.7 Megs, there was about a ten second wait before the preview ran but it did show perfectly - maybe a hardware issue??


I'm think it's too large image.

18245 x 2415 image = 18245 x 2415 x 4 bytes per pixel = 176 MB in video memory.

Yes, thanks, that was the reason. My mistake was not to think in terms of video RAM, the file

size (6MB) looked totally harmless. Now I reduced the image to 16000x2000 (resulting in 125 MB

in video memory) and then it works. For older machines with 64MB video memory, this would be

still too much. At least one could still work with overlapping pieces of the whole picture (and no

effect between these pieces) and maybe a small pause.


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