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I have not been able to find a post on this, so it may be a repeat, but is there a way for someone receiving a presentation to easily save a copy of an incorporated image? I want to send family pictures as slide show, which this does nicely, but could someone save or export one or more individual images?




Welcome to PTE and the forum, Sid! ;)

Yes, you can arrange for your show pictures to be saved or printed by viewers as follows:

1. In the Project Options, Advanced Tab check the box "Show Navigation Bar".

2. Next, click the button next to that checkbox labeled "Customize Navigation Bar".

3. Choose the buttons that you want to provide to your show viewers in a navigation button bar, and be sure to keep the default "Print" button in the set. To minimize buttons visible to viewers in your pictures provide just the "Print" button by clicking on "First Slide" in "Selected buttons" mini-window and then click "Remove" button four times. This should leave only the "Print" button in your shows. Finally, select the screen location for nav bar by clicking in the "Position" mini-window and I suggest using "Right-top" if you are providing full-screen pictures, else what works for you if you have a background (border) surrounding pic's. Now click "OK" in the "Customize Navigation Bar" window.

4. Back in the Project Options, Advanced tab check the box at bottom of tab labeled "Allow to restore pictures (via "Print" button on Navigation bar)".

5. Click OK and create your show.

Test-play and you will notice a printer-like graphic in top-right of screen. Click it and you will automatically pause the show with a "Print" control pad offering four buttons that work as follows:

Print slide - This prints your photo with background

Print picture - This prints your photo without background

Save slide - This gives viewer a "Save as" window for saving photo with background as a .BMP file

Save picture - This gives viewer a "Save as" window for saving opriginal photo in the original format, usually .jpg

After the viewer prints or saves, the show will automatically continue (pause is ended).

You may want to save your show format as a "Template". Near top of forum web page click "Search" link and enter the word template in "Search by keywords window, and enter the username think(box) in the "Filter by member name" window, then click "Perform the search". Check out all found topics, but first look at "Screen effects" topic. I have a complete "how-to" reply. Every instance of the word "template" will appear in Red color since that was your "Search by keyword" string. Also check out other users' topics and replies (click "Back" to get back to topic list), especially the utility created by Granot (boxig) in topic "Templates manager". His utility puts handy PTE start/template buttons in taskbar.

You're all set - enjoy!

Guest guru

A very intersting utility (GoodPrint v1.0) has been posted by "ttd@dr.com", and can be downloaded from Beechbrook site. It allows to print the pictures of a PTE executable by pressing "Print" button on the Navigation Bar, to set the printer and to choose the exact size of the print.

  • 3 weeks later...
Welcome to PTE and the forum, Sid! B)

Yes, you can arrange for your show pictures to be saved or printed by viewers as follows:

Thanks! This does it. Is there a way to save other than bitmap? Jpeg would be nice. Thanks for your help.



You're welcome Sid! Here is the reason for bitmap only when saving photo with background:

Save slide - This gives viewer a "Save as" window for saving photo with background as a .BMP file

Save picture - This gives viewer a "Save as" window for saving original photo in the original format, usually .jpg

Your .jpg, .gif or other format photo is turned into a bitmap image along with background (combined images) to display on your screen. For P2E to save this combined set of pictures as a .jpg it would have to include a JPEG compression module, and this would add significantly to the show file size, hence it is not done. As Ken said you can convert bitmaps to JPEG externally with free tools like Irfanview or any photo processing tool you already have. The expectation is that generally people will want to "save" picture alone and not with the added background, justifiying the minor inconvenience for the nice added feature.

The "Save picture" option is simply taking the original picture file that has simply been stored in the P2E .exe file, and saving it to an external file. There is no conversion or loss of quality, and this is space-efficient in the created showfile.

If you really want viewers to be able to save both picture and background as *JPEG* and you know that they aren't skilled enough to do it:

You could do it yourself just once for each slide and create a single JPEG file to display full-screen(!) in a new show without further added background. You have the expertise and inconvenience, and the viewers have it easy. B)


I feel dumb... the option for "Save Picture" will do just fine for the majority of pictures. And I will edit and save the ones that I want to give as complete jpgs as you suggested. I didn't even try the "Save Picture" option. Duh.

Thanks again,



It's good that eveything worked out :D You may want to prevent the same mistake by your show viewers and add a little help text either in the help screen (many do not read "instructions".... B) ) and/or perhaps on the first slide of show, some short and simple text about saving pictures, not slides.

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