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The space key works fine to pause sorry I reported an error

here which is not there. But assigning mouse buttons to "next

slide" / "previous slide" is not working yet (maybe beta 11?).

When in pause mode (either by pressing pause navigation button

or space) then klicking on "next slide button" or "previous button"

or "home button" puts that on a kind of internal stack, nothing is

done but when you release the pause key the last "stacked"

command is executed. I would rather suggest that "home", "next

slide" or "previous" slide automatically ends pause mode and

does what the user wanted right away.


Igor (and team) you are to be congratulated, once again, on exceeding the expectations of all those (including myself) who have requested a non-linear option for Pan and Zoom.

I have been experimenting with the new controls and have found them to be, as with all PTE functions, extremely sophisticated, smooth and accurate.

The ability to control Pan, Zoom and Rotation, each separately, via presets (linear / accelerate / decelerate / ‘smooth’) and to be able to save your own personal motion settings (templates) is, I am sure, far in excess of anything offered by the competition.

However (dare I say this), there is a risk that this level of sophistication and control may be a step too far (?). I wonder whether ‘the average user’ will ever manage to understand (therefore use) the options you have now made available. Especially when a single object is required to perform a number of different ‘moves’ within a single timeframe.

This is not a criticism of your amazing programming abilities (I would never do that), but a concern over whether in ‘the real world’ a more simplistic set of options might not have been a better option as far as the majority is concerned.

How or what you might have done to simplify the process I really don’t know, and I applaud your skill and creative imagination in being able to cater to the requirements of your users , I just hope that those that wish to use the new features are not put off by the complexity of their operation.

That said, you really have done an amazing job ~~ thank you VERY much !!




Thanks, both moments will be realized in beta 11


I'm grateful for your response!

I think that we realized two variants. Quick presets - for beginners. And fine adjusting with own speed parameters for profi. Every user will choose his favourite way. We're discussed two years non-linear speeds and interface of this window and it's the best solution we found. And we would not limit professionals and provide them all necessary tools. I almost didn't work on speed paramters. My colleague Sergey wrote this code for me.



You are to be congratulated - you provided a very user-friendly approach to the acceleration/deceleration that so many people (myself included) wished to have. And, for anyone wanting to add a degree of control to this feature, you have also provided that capability with a very simple, easy-to-apply, method. Thanks so much!


We solved that problem with synchronization of second music track. Please try and let me know.

Thanks, Igor.

It seems to work fine now on my laptop, but I can't check it on the pc at the moment. Will do so the first week in May and get back to you then.

Congratulations on a wonderful "new" product!


For those interested I have updated the demo I did of an early beta to the latest beta 10 using the new controls for zoom and pan. I did find that several complex 'object and animation' panels required a lot of surgery! But the simple ones took only a few seconds to update to the super new 'bezier' curves control. Incidently I suspect the person who designed the icons is a formula 1 racing fan!

You will find the link to the new demo at the bottom of the following page



Igor and your team,

Thankyou for this new beta 10, we are almost there now and with only a few items left to include, this software is going to be the best available. Thank you very much for the hard work you have put in to this and also, a big thankyou for the free registration of Video Builder - a very welcome present!

I will wait for the inclusion of the remaining 'Project Options' to be activated, before making some more pdf tutorials but in the meantime, I will spend some time learning all about the new features so far.

Ron West


I am new to this forum but have used PTE for a long time. Always excited to upgrade and take advantage of the improvements.

I just downloaded beta 10 and am thrilled with the pan and zoom. I had some problems with the sound though. Created a 5 min show with 2 songs and at end the music started playing over again (very choppy sounding) even though I did not have that option selected. The only way to get rid of that was to take out music selections, and then put them back in. Also, when syncing the music, when I tried previewing the show from the middle and near the end, the images played, but the music started from the beginning.

Is there a way to automate the pan and zoom or are there defaults you can select for all images?

I tried the video builder and it's great. Have been using ulead, but this is quicker. How do I get a registration key?


I just found this bug with repeating of music if "Stop after show" option choosed. Will fix in next beta.

Set "Synchronize music and slides" option and Preview of a slide will work as you want - music will start from this slide.

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