foto1 Posted April 27, 2007 Report Posted April 27, 2007 Where is the setting in v5 for running a manual slide show? It the 4.48 you just unchecked the [] Display each slide for:. That is a very valuable feature. I hope it has not been left out. Thanks Quote
Lin Evans Posted April 27, 2007 Report Posted April 27, 2007 Project Options, Advanced, Show Navigation Bar. You can set the navigation bar to be always present, to disappear after some interval (you pick), you can customize its look, decide its position, etc.If you just want a "simple" slideshow with no pan, zoom, scroll, rotate, etc., use 4.48. If you want to include the animations then use 5.0. The navigation bar lets you jump to first image at any time (home) go forward, backward, pause, etc. The program will also sync the sound so that you can have individual sound comments for each slide or background music or both. If playing the show manually the program will put the proper sound in the timeline with each slide as you advance, go backward, pause, etc.In essence, you have the best of both worlds. Everything you did before you can still do by using 4.48. If you want all the bells and whistle use 5.0. So if you want to stay on a slide for an extended period just click on pause, etc. Lin foto1 said: Where is the setting in v5 for running a manual slide show? It the 4.48 you just unchecked the [] Display each slide for:. That is a very valuable feature. I hope it has not been left out. Thanks Quote
foto1 Posted April 27, 2007 Author Report Posted April 27, 2007 Wow that's a huge bummer! Seems odd. That a very simple thing would be tossed out. The true best of both worlds would be to have the pan and zoom available and the manual mode as before. I have tried it using the menu bar. I figured that much out. To have to start then pause when you don't want to have the menu bar shown at all seems "rinky dink" I hope that it will be reconsidered before the final version comes out. Seems simple enough just put it back on. PTE 4.48 needs the new upgrades to continue it's success but not at the cost of losing good BASIC functions. PTE is headed towards becoming good professional grade tool. I hope it continues in that direction! Quote
Lin Evans Posted April 27, 2007 Report Posted April 27, 2007 You don't have to have the Navigation Bar at all to control the slideshow. You can use the right arrow key on the keyboard to go forward one slide, the left arrow on the keyboard to go back one slide the spacebar or pause key to pause. Actually, you can do everything without displaying the Navigation bar so not so "rinky dink" I think. It's just "different" in the way you approach it than 4.48 but not different in functionality. You didn't have animations in 4.48 so the slide could stay on indefinitely until you advance to the next slide. With 5.0 you use it, one would think to have pan, zoom, rotate, etc. So the point is that there would always be some "time" associated with any animations. You could easily control the show with the keyboard via the spacebar or pause key, the right and left arrow key, etc., so the functionality is essentially identical to 4.48, just the way of approaching it is different.Best regards,Lin foto1 said: Wow that's a huge bummer! Seems odd. That a very simple thing would be tossed out. The true best of both worlds would be to have the pan and zoom available and the manual mode as before. I have tried it using the menu bar. I figured that much out. To have to start then pause when you don't want to have the menu bar shown at all seems "rinky dink" I hope that it will be reconsidered before the final version comes out. Seems simple enough just put it back on. PTE 4.48 needs the new upgrades to continue it's success but not at the cost of losing good BASIC functions. PTE is headed towards becoming good professional grade tool. I hope it continues in that direction! Quote
foto1 Posted April 27, 2007 Author Report Posted April 27, 2007 Nope. It is not all there. Those of us who would like to run the show with our own menu, not posible. If I can still use my own menus someone please make me delighted, show me. This runs like a movie. Before you could make somewhat professional presentaions on the fly useing self made menus. To have to start the thing then "time" hitting the spacebar to pause it gets those who want to have more control no control. It disables all othe keys beacuse you are in "pause". you canot go back or foreward. You cannot click on a menu item. Yes, you do want timing for the effects that have been added on slides even in the manual mode I am talking about. the effects are no less desirable in the manual mode. This new version should be called slides into movies beacuase that is what I see. If you want to make movies from your slides buy "Pinnacle" you will get 100x more effects, transitions and even a music generator for any type of sound you want. All with much less effort and money. Please do not think me to be rude. That is not my intention. I love PTE. I say these things with repect to you and all PTE lovers. In my opinion this is not an upgrade, it is change that has not been thought through. V5 is not ready. Quote
Lin Evans Posted April 27, 2007 Report Posted April 27, 2007 I thought you said you didn't want to see a navigation bar and now you're asking about your own "menu"? You can make your own menus with PTE 5 just as you could with PTE 4.48. Why do you have to "time" hittng the spacebar? You can hit the spacebar any time you please. If you feel you have to "wait" until an animation is finished the don't use an animation. I'm really confused about exactly what it is that you want. I have "Pinnacle Ultimate". Now I'm even more confused. Pinnacle is much less "money"???? Where can I buy Pinnacle for $24? I paid $129 for mine. You're right, Version 5 is not ready. This is Beta 10. But I fail to see what it is that you want in a presentation slideshow program. If you own an ealier version of PTE you can have 5.0 free. Can you buy Pinnacle for nothing? LOL. You still have 4.48 - what is it that you want to do that you can't do with 4.48. You don't like "movies" then why not just use 4.48? You do like movies, then use Pinnacle or something else. PTE doesn't create "movies" it creates animated stills. You can pan, zoom, rotate, scroll, change opacity on any layers on any objects simultaneously, rotate off center, adjust XY axis an through paren/child/grandchild relationships you can manipulate the Z axis. You can synchronize music, do voice over, use some fantastic built-in transitions or create your own transitions via the huge complement of flexible features. You can create your own menus, run executable code from within a show and return seamlessly to your slideshow. You have unlimited keyframes, unlimited layers, the ability to author DVD's and burn to disk. You can create your own buttons, animate them, hide them, make them invisible, go forward, backward, jump to slides, etc., etc, etc. In short you have phenomenal powers to unleash your creativity at making professional presentations.Frankly I get the feeling that you have spent little time with the betas and are trying to "digest" too much in too short a period. This program is extremely powerful. It can do things that no other current presentation slideshow software can do, even in the Beta form. I have and use nearly every leading presentation software available including Vegas Video (complete) which cost me over $1200.00. Nothing else in my experience comes remotely close to what this program can do.Bottom line, we will just have to agree to disagree. You have everything you had in 4.48 because you still have 4.48. You have everything added in 5.0 to this point with beta 10 and for no additional cost.Give it a little time and learn to use it - Rome wasn't built in a day and you won't understand PTE 5.0 unless you spend some time with it.Best regards,Lin foto1 said: Nope. It is not all there. Those of us who would like to run the show with our own menu, not posible. If I can still use my own menus someone please make me delighted, show me. This runs like a movie. Before you could make somewhat professional presentaions on the fly useing self made menus. To have to start the thing then "time" hitting the spacebar to pause it gets those who want to have more control no control. It disables all othe keys beacuse you are in "pause". you canot go back or foreward. You cannot click on a menu item. Yes, you do want timing for the effects that have been added on slides even in the manual mode I am talking about. the effects are no less desirable in the manual mode. This new version should be called slides into movies beacuase that is what I see. If you want to make movies from your slides buy "Pinnacle" you will get 100x more effects, transitions and even a music generator for any type of sound you want. All with much less effort and money. Please do not think me to be rude. That is not my intention. I love PTE. I say these things with repect to you and all PTE lovers. In my opinion this is not an upgrade, it is change that has not been thought through. V5 is not ready. Quote
foto1 Posted April 27, 2007 Author Report Posted April 27, 2007 It's simple, I dont want it to go the next slide without me telling it to. The best way to do that is quite easy. Don't remove a simple function that already works and works very well. I need to be able to go from slide 1 to 10 to 13 to 555 and back to 13 on the fly. The way the program did it before is better. The way I see it. If I can do that, that is all I want to do. So far all I have heard does not work when I try it. I appriciate you candor, a good healthy discussion. When Pinnacle was 29.00 (years ago) it did what PTE does now. I've done video for 35 years. PTE is now a video slide show or call it a move slide show same thing. If it turns out that I am totaly wrong I'd be delighted. (somebody please show me) If the new version comes out without things removed that worked perfectly well, I would jump for joy! Lin thank you for patience me! Quote
alrobin Posted April 27, 2007 Report Posted April 27, 2007 foto1 said: Where is the setting in v5 for running a manual slide show? It the 4.48 you just unchecked the [] Display each slide for:. That is a very valuable feature. I hope it has not been left out. Thanksfoto1You can still accomplish this - it's just done a different way now. Set "Time interval for new slides" to 5000 seconds and you will have all the time you need to jump around to different parts of your show. Quote
Ken Cox Posted April 27, 2007 Report Posted April 27, 2007 v5 b10enable control of showenable navbar with all its commandsclick pause icon to stop click pause to resumeor use pause key on the keyboard to start and stop the showyou have some options now with navbar but i have not experimented -- am trying the big blue sky that is avail -- been so long without it i have to savour it above works on my showkenhere is a letter from Brian "conflow"Kelley that you may want to followup - re manual showFrom: Conflow []Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 7:03 AMTo: Mr. Al Robinson; Lumenlux; Ken CoxSubject: Manual Slide ShowHi Guys,The 'Attachment Package' contains the Manual Slide ShowJust download it -open it- and follow the Instructiona.Apologies to AllNo efforts have been made to 'beautify' the presentation. It's utterly functional, simple and stable and efficiently doeswhat it was designed to do,viz:- - Give a 'Manual Slide Show' facility for Lecturers, Static Announcers and the like.Brian.Conflow.P.S just about finished the "Set-up Sheet Program" - will forward it in the next 2 days. --- Quote
foto1 Posted April 27, 2007 Author Report Posted April 27, 2007 Thanks Al,This is what I have been looking for.However I am still missing a piece. Sorry.I set to 5k sec.I applied it to all exisiting slides.I enabled control with keyboard or mouse.I added a button on slide #1 and set it to go to slide #3I closed the slide.I saved.I previewed.The buttton does not do anything.What did I miss.Thanks so much. Quote
Ken Cox Posted April 27, 2007 Report Posted April 27, 2007 forget about the xtra buttonsjust set it up as i describedken Quote
foto1 Posted April 27, 2007 Author Report Posted April 27, 2007 I can only get that way to work if the nav bar is on.I do not want a nav bar. I want to use a menu like a menu.To have ot hit pause then hit my menu button then hit pause again, is a bit like adjusting the rabbit ears on an old TV... If you do this, and this, and this, and hold your arm out, and stand on one foot it works! You know what I mean? We are back to rinky dink. How in the world could I give this to a clint and say do all of this and it works, sort of. They will not understand or even bother.Simpler to put back what was not broken. Thanks Quote
Ednys Posted April 27, 2007 Report Posted April 27, 2007 Ken Cox said: v5 b10enable control of showenable navbar with all its commandsclick pause icon to stop click pause to resumeor use pause key on the keyboard to start and stop the showyou have some options now with navbar but i have not experimented -- am trying the big blue sky that is avail -- been so long without it i have to savour it above works on my showkenhere is a letter from Brian "conflow"Kelley that you may want to followup - re manual showFrom: Conflow []Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 7:03 AMTo: Mr. Al Robinson; Lumenlux; Ken CoxSubject: Manual Slide ShowHi Guys,The 'Attachment Package' contains the Manual Slide ShowJust download it -open it- and follow the Instructiona.Apologies to AllNo efforts have been made to 'beautify' the presentation. It's utterly functional, simple and stable and efficiently doeswhat it was designed to do,viz:- - Give a 'Manual Slide Show' facility for Lecturers, Static Announcers and the like.Brian.Conflow.P.S just about finished the "Set-up Sheet Program" - will forward it in the next 2 days. ---Hi Ken,I did place a query onto the bugs page because I was not too sure if there was a bug with the navigation bar or not. As I said in that text the program still works on its own and the nav bar did not seem to have any control. I have just looked at your description here and tried controling the slides with the pause button and it held the slides as I wished. But I am a little perplexed Why have the navigation bar there if the only thing that appears to control it is the pause button.... I even tried deleting the timed point that were put into the timeline to see if that would allow me complete control.... Is this the same subject that you have been discussing in the previous texts?? or am I barking up the wrong tree again....RegardsGlenys Quote
Lin Evans Posted April 27, 2007 Report Posted April 27, 2007 Hi Glenys,Please download my PTE file from the following link. This demonstrates a couple of the features of the navigation bar. The Navigation Bar will initially be invisible but if you move the mouse you will see it appear at the bottom of the screen. Press the forward arrow to move forward a slide, the back arrow to move backward, the pause to pause and the home to go to the first slide. The print button will allow you to print and the X button will exit the slideshow. Test this on the "Preview" function of PTE beta 10.I'm not seeing any problems with this. regards,Lni Ednys said: Hi Ken,I did place a query onto the bugs page because I was not too sure if there was a bug with the navigation bar or not. As I said in that text the program still works on its own and the nav bar did not seem to have any control. I have just looked at your description here and tried controling the slides with the pause button and it held the slides as I wished. But I am a little perplexed Why have the navigation bar there if the only thing that appears to control it is the pause button.... I even tried deleting the timed point that were put into the timeline to see if that would allow me complete control.... Is this the same subject that you have been discussing in the previous texts?? or am I barking up the wrong tree again....RegardsGlenys Quote
Ednys Posted April 27, 2007 Report Posted April 27, 2007 Lin Evans said: Hi Glenys,Please download my PTE file from the following link. This demonstrates a couple of the features of the navigation bar. The Navigation Bar will initially be invisible but if you move the mouse you will see it appear at the bottom of the screen. Press the forward arrow to move forward a slide, the back arrow to move backward, the pause to pause and the home to go to the first slide. The print button will allow you to print and the X button will exit the slideshow. Test this on the "Preview" function of PTE beta 10.I'm not seeing any problems with this. regards,LniHi Lyn,Ok I downloaded your file and I noticed how you have given each slide about 20 seconds. But I did notice how they would still play on there own if you did not click the next slide soon enough. I will do this with my slides and will just have to remember to click pause if I find I am digressing whilst a particular slide is on screen, and I am going off the subject, or if someone starts to ask questions which I will be answering....... Other wise when I get back to the talk I may find the slides have moved on without me...... I obviously have to think in a different way when doing this kind of controlled show.....Thank you Regards Glenys Quote
Lin Evans Posted April 27, 2007 Report Posted April 27, 2007 Hi Glenys,I just did it as a quick sample. You could set the individual slide times to any value, even to a length of 10 minutes or so then simply advance as you wish. You could, if you wanted do your animations within the first few seconds then just leave the remainder of the time on a suitable still version of each slide. This would make the show essentially as a totally manual slideshow. Of course this wouldn't be very aesthetically pleasing for any type of music synchronization, but would work well for a demonstration or educational type show.This would, however mean that you would automatically advance the slides with the forward control. It is also possible to include a menu consisting of "buttons" with the ability to jump to any particular slide by assigning that slide to an individual button. That could be accomplished by creating one slide called "menu" then having that slide called by a single button which could be visable or invisible depending on how you set the opacity. When this "menu" slide appears, it would consist of one button for each slide with simple numbers on the buttons. Want slide 22? just press button 22 and the show would "jump" to slide 22, etc.Obviously this approach would work better for slide shows which didn't have huge numbers of slides.Best regards,Lin Ednys said: Hi Lyn,Ok I downloaded your file and I noticed how you have given each slide about 20 seconds. But I did notice how they would still play on there own if you did not click the next slide soon enough. I will do this with my slides and will just have to remember to click pause if I find I am digressing whilst a particular slide is on screen, and I am going off the subject, or if someone starts to ask questions which I will be answering....... Other wise when I get back to the talk I may find the slides have moved on without me...... I obviously have to think in a different way when doing this kind of controlled show.....Thank you Regards Glenys Quote
Lin Evans Posted April 27, 2007 Report Posted April 27, 2007 Go here and download my demo and PTE file to see how to do this. You don't need the navigation bar even though I have included it for others to see. foto1 said: I can only get that way to work if the nav bar is on.I do not want a nav bar. I want to use a menu like a menu.To have ot hit pause then hit my menu button then hit pause again, is a bit like adjusting the rabbit ears on an old TV... If you do this, and this, and this, and hold your arm out, and stand on one foot it works! You know what I mean? We are back to rinky dink. How in the world could I give this to a clint and say do all of this and it works, sort of. They will not understand or even bother.Simpler to put back what was not broken. Thanks Quote
Lin Evans Posted April 27, 2007 Report Posted April 27, 2007 Hi Glenys,I thought about your use model, then created another demo with a menu which can be easily called from any slide to allow you to reach any slide you wish. It's a rather simple solution but may be one which would fit your own purpose.Here's a link to the PTE and to the zipped executable. It will look exactly as the one you downloaded, but if you click anywhere in the upper one third of any image a menu will appear allowing you to choose the slide to "jump" to. Ednys said: Hi Lyn,Ok I downloaded your file and I noticed how you have given each slide about 20 seconds. But I did notice how they would still play on there own if you did not click the next slide soon enough. I will do this with my slides and will just have to remember to click pause if I find I am digressing whilst a particular slide is on screen, and I am going off the subject, or if someone starts to ask questions which I will be answering....... Other wise when I get back to the talk I may find the slides have moved on without me...... I obviously have to think in a different way when doing this kind of controlled show.....Thank you Regards Glenys Quote
Ednys Posted April 28, 2007 Report Posted April 28, 2007 Lin Evans said: Hi Glenys,I thought about your use model, then created another demo with a menu which can be easily called from any slide to allow you to reach any slide you wish. It's a rather simple solution but may be one which would fit your own purpose.Here's a link to the PTE and to the zipped executable. It will look exactly as the one you downloaded, but if you click anywhere in the upper one third of any image a menu will appear allowing you to choose the slide to "jump" to. you Lin, I will have a play around with the program until I get what I want.RegardsGlenys Quote
ADB Posted April 28, 2007 Report Posted April 28, 2007 foto1 said: Thanks Al,This is what I have been looking for.However I am still missing a piece. Sorry.I set to 5k sec.I applied it to all exisiting slides.I enabled control with keyboard or mouse.I added a button on slide #1 and set it to go to slide #3I closed the slide.I saved.I previewed.The buttton does not do anything.What did I miss.Thanks so much.Hi foto1I have done exactly what you have listed above and was able to navigate using the left and right arrow and to other slides using buttons added via the O&A window, What Beta are you using?RegardsAndrew Quote
Igor Posted April 28, 2007 Report Posted April 28, 2007 After reading this topic we can suggest two features which can be implemented in the nearest beta of v5.001) "Stop at the end of a slide" option in slide properties window.In this case you can easily realize menu or waiting until user press Next slide key or button.This option will work only when "Synchronize slides and music" option disabled.2) "Repeat slide" option in slide properties window.As above option, it is same thing, but animation of slide will repeat from beginning of a slide.It maybe useful for organizing animated menu (e.g. slide 1) and main slides of a slide show (e.g. 2nd and next slides). Quote
alrobin Posted April 28, 2007 Report Posted April 28, 2007 foto1 said: Thanks Al,This is what I have been looking for.However I am still missing a piece. Sorry.I set to 5k sec.I applied it to all exisiting slides.I enabled control with keyboard or mouse.I added a button on slide #1 and set it to go to slide #3I closed the slide.I saved.I previewed.The buttton does not do anything.What did I miss.Thanks so much.foto1,Not all the button actions are activated yet in version 5, and neither are the mouse buttons. However, the forward and back arrows on the keyboard will control the advance and repeat functions, as will the navigation bar, as Ken has mentioned.At the present time in version 10, when I program the button to go to a specific slide and click on it, the show backs up one slide and repeats the image with the button.Igor, it would be nice to have these features re-enabled soon as I use a wireless mouse as a "remote control" for narrated presentations.By the way, I found a mouse that has a range of 30 ft - it works through "Bluetooth" technology instead of the more common transmission used by wireless mice with only a 5 to 10-ft range. Quote
Lin Evans Posted April 28, 2007 Report Posted April 28, 2007 Hi Al,The problem is that the program understands the starting point for slides as zero. So slilde 1 is actually slide zero, slide two is #1, slide 3 is #2, etc.If you look at the sample use of menu on my link and check the PTE file you will find that for slide 1 I call zero, slide 2 #1, etc. So the internal count for slides begins at zero rather than one.Best regards,Lin alrobin said: foto1,Not all the button actions are activated yet in version 5, and neither are the mouse buttons. However, the forward and back arrows on the keyboard will control the advance and repeat functions, as will the navigation bar, as Ken has mentioned.At the present time in version 10, when I program the button to go to a specific slide and click on it, the show backs up one slide and repeats the image with the button.Igor, it would be nice to have these features re-enabled soon as I use a wireless mouse as a "remote control" for narrated presentations.By the way, I found a mouse that has a range of 30 ft - it works through "Bluetooth" technology instead of the more common transmission used by wireless mice with only a 5 to 10-ft range. Quote
alrobin Posted April 28, 2007 Report Posted April 28, 2007 Lin Evans said: Hi Al,The problem is that the program understands the starting point for slides as zero. So slilde 1 is actually slide zero, slide two is #1, slide 3 is #2, etc.If you look at the sample use of menu on my link and check the PTE file you will find that for slide 1 I call zero, slide 2 #1, etc. So the internal count for slides begins at zero rather than one.Best regards,LinLin,I'm using objects, not the nav bar. When I direct PTE to jump ahead to slide 10, for example, from a button on slide 2, it still tries to start over. And when I add an image, and direct it to go ahead by a certain number of slides, it "exits" instead, as that is the "command" I just gave to a second button on the screen.I don't think these object functions have been implemented yet in PTE b-10. Quote
Lin Evans Posted April 28, 2007 Report Posted April 28, 2007 Right, that's what I'm referring to (objects). If you look at my Navigation Bar sample, I use an invisible "button" object on each slide to call the last slide via mouse click which has multiple "button" objects each dedicated to calling a particular slide. The last slide is a "menu" slide.The sample covers not only the Navigation Bar, but using the objects (buttons) to go to particular slides.To get the button or other object to jump to slide one, you need to enter the value zero, for slide 2 enter 1, etc.The button calls seem to work in beta 10 for me with the provision for jumping to a particular slide that you call slide minus one....Best regards,Lin alrobin said: Lin,I'm using objects, not the nav bar. When I direct PTE to jump ahead to slide 10, for example, from a button on slide 2, it still tries to start over. And when I add an image, and direct it to go ahead by a certain number of slides, it "exits" instead, as that is the "command" I just gave to a second button on the screen.I don't think these object functions have been implemented yet in PTE b-10. Quote
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