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After creating this one a while back, some of the comments included the wish that zooms and pans could have ended smoothly. This was not really feasible with ealier betas having only linear movement but after finally solving the riddle of why I couldn't get non-linear working correctly on my development computer I found it worked fine on my other computers so changed all the keypoints to "smooth" non-linear and reloaded it to my web site.

I would appreciate it if anyone hears any sound glitches to let me know. I perceive some issues with the sound which I didn't have with Beta 9 but can't be sure if this is actually in the executable or is a malfunction with my sound card.

For any who are interested the zipped executable (about 34 meg):





Thank you for sharing with us your reworking of this slideshow ~ it is a clear demonstration of the superior, and far more visually acceptable (and natural) effect of Pan and Zoom when using the new non-linear options that Igor and his team (Sergey in particular – thanks Sergey !!) have made available to us. I’m sure you will agree.

The original show was very good indeed, but (to a certain extent) spoiled by the jerky starts and stops of the linear-speed movements available at the time ~ this reworking shows how much better a presentation can look by using the new non-linear options.

Thanks again for sharing this with us.

PS. I could detect no problem with the sound quality.



Hi Ken,

Thanks! I suspected my sound card might be a bit flakey.

Best regards,


Lin no "rice crispies" with the sound :)



Hi bjc,

Thanks indeed to Sergey for all the hard work! The old abrupt start and endings are now history and the non-linear features add a tremendous amount to the perceived quality of a presentation.

I'm glad to hear that the issues I was hearing in my headphones are not really coming from the embedded background sound but rather an artifact of something endemic to my sound system itself.

Thanks much for the feedback!

Best regards,



Thank you for sharing with us your reworking of this slideshow ~ it is a clear demonstration of the superior, and far more visually acceptable (and natural) effect of Pan and Zoom when using the new non-linear options that Igor and his team (Sergey in particular – thanks Sergey !!) have made available to us. I'm sure you will agree.

The original show was very good indeed, but (to a certain extent) spoiled by the jerky starts and stops of the linear-speed movements available at the time ~ this reworking shows how much better a presentation can look by using the new non-linear options.

Thanks again for sharing this with us.

PS. I could detect no problem with the sound quality.


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