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Is it still possible to create a hyperlink in PTE 5 as it was in 4.48 ie one colour on the page change colour when mouse over, and change again when mouse click?



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Hi Geoff,

If you enetr a text object in O & A and go to the "Common" tab you will find a load of options under "Action on mouse click" which I think offer all the possibilities that you would previously been able to accomplish with a hyperlink.


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Hi Peter its the changing of the text colours as the mouse passes over that I'm after to the best of my knowledge that's not available in the drop down menu, it is quite useful when building multi show menus.



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I had a problem I posted earlier which have repeated here as the second part is directly relevant to Stonemason's point. I agree with him and Ron that the user needs some indication that action is happening as a result of their mouse click.

Esc key mis-function?

I have just created an autorun CD with a one slide menu and a single short sequence. I had expected that pressing the Esc key would take me back to the menu but it simply freezes the sequence. A second press of the Esc key returns me to my desk top. Is this a bug or have I misunderstood the role of the Esc key in this situation on a CD? The Esc key worked perfectly when running the same menu and show from my hard drive. The files are all in the root directory of the CD.

I also noticed that when I put my cursor on the text which has the link to the main sequence it stays as an arrow and does not change into a hand. The hour glass appears after some time but some users could start clicking several times before it is obvious anything is happening. I did this myself and opened two versions of the show which caused some strange effects!

I would also appreciate your comment on the Escape key question.


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Igor the hyperlink system as used in PTE 4.48 is a very simple and straight forward way of creating multi show menus and in my opinion would be a useful addition to PTE5 if it could be implemented.



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