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Given that the accepted screen resolutin for PTE shows is 1024 x 768 pixels what do people have their monitors set at? I am especially interested in those who have LCD monitors, as 1024 x 768 seems to be a low resolution for these. Info would be much appreciated.





Video Screen Resolution Poll - Which settings do we use?

See a popularity survey of your video screen resolution settings


myself 19" lcd at 1024 x 768

modifying a campfire tune

"my eyes are dim i cannot see and i got my specs on" :)



Geoff, for lcd EIZO 17 '' resolution is set to 1024x768 when you send in to international slideshows-compitions you no!

I make the slideshows always with 1400x1050 pix.


I use 1280 x 1024 screen resolution




Hi Geoff,

I also use 1280 x 1024. I get a screen message saying I should reset to this value for optimum viewing if I set it lower. My monitor is a Viewsonic VP191s.

Kind Regards



I use 1024 x 768 on a 17" flat screen. My projector is XGA Resolution 1024x 768

Ron [uK]


I have a BenQ monitor and it is set to 1280 x 1024 screen resolution.


I use 1280 x 1024 on my desktop PC but I always work on the basis that my PTE shows will be shown on 1024 x 768 - which most of them will be as that's the resolution we use on the laptop/ digital projector at my local camera club.



I use a screen resolution of 1280*1024 on the main PC's in the home and only use 1024*768 when I do a lecture or demonstration via a PC projector.

The article Ken refers to is interesting as it shows 43% of users have 1024*768 set on their PC and 22% are set to 1280*1024. However, I suspect that the poll is a general one and if it were conducted with just people like us the result may be different.

If only photographic and AV enthusiasts were polled I suspect the number using 1280*1024 may be somewhat higher.

I must admit I am surprised to see that 11% are still using 800*600



Well, I guess I'm the odd man out. My flat-screen Dell monitor (for my desktop pc) is set at 1680x1050, but I make most of my shows now at 1280x768 (widescreen). This is also the native resolution for my projector.


If presentations are triggered from a menu system (PTE 4.48) using hyperlinks how do you get over the problem of the links appearing in different positions when shown on screen resolutions different from the one on which the show was created? I would be interested to know if anyone else has this type of problem.


  stonemason said:
If presentations are triggered from a menu system (PTE 4.48) using hyperlinks how do you get over the problem of the links appearing in different positions when shown on screen resolutions different from the one on which the show was created? I would be interested to know if anyone else has this type of problem.



The only sure-fire way is to use "windowed mode". However, you can add transparent objects to the corners and then group them all together, and this will hold them for most resolutions. But there are exceptions. Best to use v.5.


Thanks Al tried using V5 but shows were slow to start, other threads have talked about problems with v5 menus that are hard hardware accelerated. Needed to finish the project so went back to 4.48, however having done that I will get some time to give it another try.



  stonemason said:
If presentations are triggered from a menu system (PTE 4.48) using hyperlinks how do you get over the problem of the links appearing in different positions when shown on screen resolutions different from the one on which the show was created? I would be interested to know if anyone else has this type of problem.


Hello Geoff,

In PTE 4.48, in Object Editor you have the option to "group" objects such as menu buttons by selecting them all and then selecting "group" from the options at the top of the page. This will result in all the selected objects retaining their relative positions to each other.

You can also check how your menus will appear in other screen resolutions by using "Preview in" at the top left corner of the Object Editor.



  stonemason said:
Thanks Al tried using V5 but shows were slow to start, other threads have talked about problems with v5 menus that are hard hardware accelerated. Needed to finish the project so went back to 4.48, however having done that I will get some time to give it another try.




You might like to try with your Antivirus turned off. My AV made a huge difference to start up times and I have now changed to Zone Alarm. McAfee was also reported as being OK.

Kind Regards



Back to the original thread - I believe that any monitor performs at its best at the native (max) resolution.

My 19" IIYAMA is set to 1280x1024.

I use windows mode to ensure that anyone with a larger res does not view at the wrong res.

Am I correct in thinking that a 1280x1024 show will fit to screen on a PC with a lower res monitor?

OKAY! To answer my own question - no it does not.

I find that creating a 960x768 of the same 1280x1024 works to a degree, but the Taskbar shows at the bottom.

Dave G

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