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Sad News.... Peter Frampton

Lin Evans

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I just heard via another forum that one of our members Peter Frampton has passed away - no details, but I know some of our members know Peter so thought it might be important to pass on the news. Apparently this was a couple weeks ago in the latter part of April, so some may already know - but I just heard this.....


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I thought that this was the case, I think that there was some reference to his passing on this forum. I did not know Peter, other than through his work on this forum, he will be sadly missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

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To any of Peter's family who may read this site, I would like to send my condolences. I knew Peter best through www.creatingslideshows.com but also through his work with the AV group in the Worcestershire area. He was always worth taking notice of and many valued the contributions he made. We knew he was ill but it was still a bit of a shock when we heard he had died. I very much appreciated the AV Sequences of his which I saw; he gained an Award in the Great Northern event in Wilmslow just over a year ago. I will miss him. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

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Thanks Lin, I was not aware of Peter's passing. Now I am aware and saddened. (It sounds like he may have died about the same time the site died where we had met.) I have no idea who might read here to accept condolences. Maybe Peter will have to be listening in here to get the words of appreciation for him that are being expressed. Peter produced the first instance I ever saw of a sequence with animation that was more than a gimmick. I can only imagine what he might have eventually thought if he could have added PTE Version 5 to his arsenal. Besides Peter's photography and AV accomplishments, Peter seemed to value and serve his friends. It was my impression that he tried to be a breath of fresh air in some circles that he felt were a might stuffy. At least he did not seem to mind jousting a bit publicly or privately. I thank Peter for a few things that I may have learned from him. Or maybe I did not learn them, but at least he gave me the opportunity. Thanks Peter. And indeed may God's blessings be with your family and those who knew you best.

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