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An annoying problem


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I seem to have a unique and extremely annoying problem. When I have several programs all residing in the same folder my system goes into a semi-lockup until the icons have displayed which, at times, just ends up with the computer freezing up. These are the standard icons used by PTE and nothing custom about them. PTE is the only program where I have a problem and has, at times, forced me into rebooting my system by turning off the computer and restarting.

This happens to both my main desktop computer and to my laptop. No other programs - slide or otherwise - gives me this problem. I hope that you can provide me with an answer as I like PTE but don't want to have to create a separate folder for each and every show that I produce.

My main machine runs Windows XP Media Editiion, has 3 Gigs of RAM, 500 Gigs of storage and the laptop runs Windows XP Home Edition, has 1 Gig of RAM and 100 Gigs of storage. Both systems are up to date with the latest versions of the operating system.


Many thanks,


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PTE but don't want to have to create a separate folder for each and every show that I produce.

the most efficient way to keep your shows in order is to designate a separate folder for each show -- containing copies of all music, notes you have made , and copies of all the picts in the show and when you save the pte direct it to that folder


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G'day Bob

You have more than enough "grunt" to run PTE without problems on your PCs.

Like Ken I use a separate folder with copies of all the images for each show, the PTE file and a sub folder with the associated sound files and notes in it.

I save all my EXE files to the one folder and keep a copy of this folder in off computer backup storage. Currently there is 26 files in this folder with no problems.

Naming the show/PTE folder with the show name and creating the separate folders for each show is a small task when the benefit gained is to keep things tidy and allow quick location of my work. :)

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