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  neil said:

I would love to hear all your comments on my Baron Hill show.


Hi, Neil,

I liked this show! In the midst of weathering, vines, and collapse, the stately Handel Sarabande is a haunting reminder of this old estate's former grandeur. The music reinforces detailed images of elegant architectural detail which has not yet succombed to time. The texture is such that I can feel the roughness of peeling plaster and the supple coolness of moss-covered walls. The shadowy photography hints that here, much is hidden.

It is effective and moody.

Thanks for the show.


  neil said:

I would love to hear all your comments on my Baron Hill show.


Well there’s a restoration project for a keen DIY’er if ever I saw one!

Some lovely photographs there Neil, of what must have been a wonderful building.

Observations on the slide show; the haunting sound track was a good choice, but for me the opening titles were a bit long and I struggled to keep interest until the very end. It kind of got a bit predictable. Maybe if it was a bit shorter or there was more variation with the blends or pans it may have kept my interest more and maybe the titles could have come in a sentence at a time over several slides.


Hi Neil

As per my "Grading" post in the main section you are my first ginea pig in applying a standard format to rate shows, so here goes....


4 - Really liked your opening/closing titles and graphics they certainly fitted well with the era of your show. The very opening sequence with the 3 initial text animation was very eye catching and looked very professional. While technically your photographs were perfect I got the feeling they were all taken on the same day maybe even with an hour of each other, this had the unfortunate result in making the next image look very much like the last and I found my concentration waning. What would have captured my imagination more is the house taken over a longer period of time with different lighting conditions and seasons but I totally understand often we don't have that luxury.


3 - The music you chose certainly fitted your subject manner well in terms of era but it was a very strong peice and at times very repetitive. The stength of the music in a way worked against the almost sad images of a once great house. I also think the peice of music that you choose didn't have many obvious "transition" points which makes it hard to sync up a show so that it appears to flow with the music.

TIMING (Out of 5)

4 - I think you worked hard on your timing with the show and I loved the sound addition with your titles at the very start and fade off at the end - perfectly timed. As mentioned above I think your music could prove hard to find natural transition points to time slide changes to.

PTE MASTERY (Out of 5)

4 - Good use of pans and zooms (and vertical pans) at appropriate times and show obviously synchronised

WATCHABILITY - Couldn't finish / Watched Once / Would watch again / Would watch many times


15/20 Technically solid show with good use of PTE's features, documenting the house well, softer music may suit better with more variation in lighting conditions for photography providing a more emotional result.

Phew! That wasn't so hard actually :-)




Hi Neil,

I too enjoyed your show very much indeed. I’ve watched it three times. I think David summed it up very well and would go along with his comments.

I’m not going to use the scoring system recently proposed as I am uncomfortable with it.

The script you used for the opening titles was I felt very appropriate. I would however have preferred to see the titles superimposed over an image, perhaps the old photo of the house merging into a wide shot of how it is now before it became a ruin.

I thought the soundtrack was superbly chosen and for me complemented the images in a haunting way.

It’s always difficult to know how long a show should last and without careful sound editing the soundtrack sets the time. Perhaps it was a little bit long but not for me overly so.

I liked it so much you have given me an idea for a similar situation that exist very close to where I live which happily has recently received funding to preserve it (again a Palladian building) as a ruin.

Well done and thanks


P.S. Perhaps the monogram would be better at the end!

  neil said:

I would love to hear all your comments on my Baron Hill show.


Hi Neil

Like yourself I am fairly new to creating slide shows and I certainly don't intend to compete with people far more knowledgeable than myself, but I thought I'd throw in my twopenny worth.

I loved the photography though now and then there was a certain sameness here and there. The style of font suited it perfectly, but would have looked better with scenery in the background. Your logo would look better at the end of the show rather that at the beginning.

The one aspect of your show that I was not happy with was your choice of music. I felt it was too heavy and overwhelmed the subject, whereas something softer and more gentle could still have created a suitable atmosphere to accompany your very moody photographs.

Best regards

Martin CG


Thanks to everyone who has looked at and commented on my show,

I think it really helps with future shows to have the opinion of others.

I have taken all comments in and hopefully it will enable me to make

better and improved shows.

Thanks again Neil

  • 2 weeks later...

Here is one more....k?


The pictures were sooo sad! It felt like a wise stately old man no longer appreciated by the grandchildren. It also made me wish i was 12 a could discover a place like that for a fort! What a wonderful scary delightful place for a secret garden and 4 neighborhood kids to explore! Then there was that one picture of vines around a window--it looked like Jesus crown of thorns.


I don't know if it was the pictures or the music tha made me almost cry. The music was so B-I-G and deep and open--like the pictures.

TIMING (Out of 5)

Just right. Sad shows can seem soooooo long and I get tired really quickly. this one wasnt like that. It was interesting, sad and told its story and was over. I almost wished there were a few more pictures, but if there had been there would have been too many. So instead I watched it again to see if it was like I thought it was. It was better the second time--I saw a lot more.

PTE MASTERY (Out of 5)

Fancy stuff was minimal--used to emphasize the photos instead of emphasize fancy tricks with video. I like that.

WATCHABILITY - Couldn't finish / Watched Once / Would watch again / Would watch many times

Probably won't watch more than twice, but I am really glad you shared it. I want to use it to show children and make up stories about who lived there, what life was like and imagine having a secret club there.


Why does Europe get all the best abandoned houses? I am really glad you had that last picture of teh original mansion and ended with it. It was what saved the whole thing for me and made it real and made me want to see it again.

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