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I'm doing a presentation at a photography conference in October this year and I have been thinking of how I am going to use PTE as a POWERPOINT type program. I see Igor is reintroducing the "[ ] Display slide for ..." option so that shows can be changed from slide to slide using a mouse or wireless pointer etc.

What I thought would be useful for these types of presentations is if in the O&A window the user could select the option of either just running the animation as it stands or being able to move to each keypoint within the O&A manually during the presentation. Better still if the user could select which keypoints you could manually move to. This would mean you could be talking to your presentation and bring up points gradually e.g A slide showing key features of PTE with each feature sliding onto the page when I press the mouse button or whatever - just like you can do in powerpoint. The advantage of being able to select which keypoints you wanted to move to allows mini animations to occur between each point.

Also not sure if many of you have noticed but Igor has started adding comments in the second topic line of topics on this forum about implementation dates of suggestions.


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