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Actual Version 5 shows


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So far Version 5 has been in a development stage but it appears now to be nearing completion. Most (if not all) of the features are functional and shows with fully synchronised music and commentary can be made.

During the development stage, many forum members such as Lin Evans, Dominique etc. have been experimenting with the various possible effects and have produced some stunning results. However I wonder how many of these will actually be incorporated into complete av shows. My (very limited) experience with producing and watching av shows is that they are either produced for competitive reasons, as a record of a holiday trip, or maybe, as I like to do, to present the results of some research into a historical topic in a visual form.

So I have been considering the sort of facilities which Version 5 provides and examining which of these might improve the impact of my shows. Here is my list so far :

- To provide more interesting titles and general text additions (e.g. image labels, credits etc.)

- As a very flexible way of adding supplementary images to a base image in one composite slide

- As a means of arranging a number of images on one slide and have the flexibility to move/resize individual images

- As a means of emphasis : e.g. showing a building with a label and then zooming into the label so that it can be read

- General panning of large landscapes

- Zooming into images to focus attention on a specific object or out to show an objects context

I would be interested to hear the views of other forum members about the effects they have considered in producing their av shows.


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Your systematic approach is probably useful in helping us each find what is most beneficial to our own presentations. Personally, I think I have, so far, more unconsciously just thought, "oh, that feature might work well with this particular image or this particular message."

On the subject of titles and text additions, I have a couple of thoughts. As you point out, there have been some very impressive "openings" to presentations. I like best those where the Title/Opening have some direct correlation to the presentation. One of the best that comes to my mind was the Autumn opening with leaves and falling leaves in the title/opening. Others, to me, have been more "wow" but with little connection to the presentation itself. Many of the title sequences are interesting to me in the same manner, perhaps, as watching a string of commercials, one after another, just to see what clever things can be done. I think maybe the process we are part of goes something like this: 1. The technical capability Igor has given us. 2. Creative ideas on how to use the tech. 3. Applying #1 and #2 such that the actual presentation is truly enhanced.

I have also thought that at times, I and others, might spend so much energy on the title, that the show then gets slighted in terms of our personal resources that we devote to the whole thing. In that case, I think the time/effort would usually be better spent on the rest of the presentation. On the other hand, those who really have a "handle" on title and text tools in PTE can probably make a very appropriate and sophisticated opening without devoting inordinate time.

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