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file error

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A few weeks ago, I wrote you about the File error message I was receiving, with details indicating "Picture: " but no picture was identified.

I since reworked my slideshow and put all files in the same directory, but the same error comes up again. Is there any way of seing how the pte file is built ? to identify the problem.

Now that everything is in the same directory, can I send you the 500 image slideshow (90 megs)to help me identify the problem ?

Thanks, Philippe

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Now that everything is in the same directory, can I send you the 500 image slideshow (90 megs)to help me identify the problem ?

Hi, Philippe,

Welcome to the Forum! I see we're almost neighbours!

A while ago I posted a spreadsheet model which allows for examining PTE v.5 project files, and is useful, particularly with large shows such as yours, for identifying and fixing timing problems, etc. If you have MS Excel 2000 or better, you can download this model from THIS LINK.

If you are not familiar with Excel, or don't have access to this version of Excel, send me the project file without any images or music, and I'll run it through Adjustor for you. My email address is alrobin @ alrobinson.com (skip the spaces), but I can't accept large files.

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