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audio starts twice - plays on top of itself


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Hello -

I am a photographer and I use PTE to create slideshows on CD that I sell to my customers. I have gotten audio complaints from several customers, though none of them could articulate what the problem is exactly. When I create the slideshow on my hard drive, it sounds fine. When I burn it to CD, it sounds fine when I replay it. However, I did recently take the CD I created to my husband's computer, and when I inserted it, the slideshow began (I am using the autorun file) fine but the music started twice (I am only using one mp3 file), a few seconds apart, and BOTH sets of the same song were playing on top of each other. When I escaped out of the slideshow, and doubleclicked on the slideshow exe, it sounded fine. Could the autorun feature be screwing me up?

Also, just as an aside, I can't seem to create a slideshow directly to CD. It always requires me to save to my hard drive first and then copy over. Is this correct?

Thank you!

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Welcome kaileen

Ive seen this issue quite common on older, slower hardware ... esp from slow Disc Initialization and Rom Read Speed. A combination of other factors can help contribute to this double loading: insufficient or slow speed RAM, virus checking /background processes and certain Media Disk brands.

Simple Test :

Load the CD Disk into Rom Drive and Reboot. If the Boot Time seems alot longer than usuall ... this indicates slow Disk Initialization. But once the Disk has been Initialized most CD programs run without errors or the double loading you experience.

Also Note:

PTE does not provide Burn to CD provisions for executable files created.

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