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I have a couple of enhancements I'd like to see in PTE and I just wondered if anyone else had similar ideas....

1. I use PTE to provide slide shows of my photos to prospective clients. I don't want to watermark the photos but I do want to protect them. However, PTE allows <ALT><Print Screen> to capture a screen image. I'd like the option of setting a press of <ALT> to act as an <ESC> key and stop the show. This would stop anyone stealing my images.

2. I'd also like the facility of playing a piece of music once only. That would allow me a period of silence between music tracks i.e. play track a once, then play track b but without track a starting again. The play new track facility could accomplish this but isn't accurate enough and, if I'm in the middle of displaying a slide when the music stops, doesn't do the job.

Any others?



Welcome Phil ,

All creators at some given time would like to totally protect their works in some manner or form ... whether it be the whole show or just a single photo.

Doing your "KEY" option/action will work as you intend I suspect ... but it wont totally protect your photos. So dont be fooled thinkng your safe ... as there are many other ways/utilities that will obtain a screen shot.

Your only safe route is to really watermark.

Note : A simple simulation

You can similate a watermarked photo within PTE by using/adding tranparent objects or images ... you add this transparent object using the Object Editor on each slide. This way you dont modify the actual image in any manner ... but it appears to be watermarked ( since your using the object that is layered onto the photo ) Thus when the intended user/client hits PRINT SCREEN ... it will print the photo with the object visable.

Your only true sure protection though ... is you must watermark ... as there is no easy way out.

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