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Synchronize Music & Slides


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I brought up this question in another topic listing. I think it got buried and I did not get a response. So let me try again:

I ran into this 'problem' early in the beta testing trials, as others seem to have. When you select 'Synchronize Music & Slides' (SMS), you also must select 'Add arranged points' in the Time Line to have the slides spread all the way to the end of the music.

I would like to know why one would select (SMS) without also selecting the 'Add arranged points' option. I am not trying to fight the issue but I just want to understand why you would want to choose SMS and NOT have the slides automatically spread along the entire music's length with this one selection (so the slides match up with the end of the music). It seems to me that logically when you click on the SMS, this would automatically spread out the music without needing an extra step. I'm not sure if I am making myself clear. But basically, I'd like to know what is the advantage or usefulness in NOT using the second step, 'Auto spread slides' after you select SMS? If I remember right, in 4.48, you did not need a second step.

Thanks... Gary

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The answer is fairly simple. Suppose you are making a slide show with commentary. You have selected all your slides and have written the commentary. Now you record the commentary and find that the commentary for a number of slides differs from the default time you have chosen in PTE. You then need to move selected slides to match the commentary. The spreading of slides equally across a sound track is only used for relatively straightforward presentations. For many shows, individual slides have to be positioned to match the sound track.

Most of my shows involve commentary. I record the commentary and position each clip in Audition to a specific time. I then add the slides one at a time to match the commentary intervals. The show is still synchronised but the slide intervals are not equal.


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The answer is fairly simple.....


Jeff... "Simple"??? Easy for you to say! :rolleyes: I can sorta kinda see what you are talking about. I played with the Timeline and I can see what you mean about moving slides around to match commentary, etc. What I am not clear about is when/why to use some of the menu items. With 4.48, to spread the slides over the length of the music, all you had to do was click on "Synchronize music and slides." Now you have to go into the Timeline and make additional selections.

The confusing menu items, for me, seems to be "Synchronize music and slides (SMS)," "Auto spread slides along music (ASSAM)," and "Arrange all points (AAP)."

Say I pull in a group of slides that I want to to play exactly with the length of the music. I would click on SMS. If I click on ASSAM, the only thing I see happen is the Timeline goes a bit grey. Then I would click on AAP. The slides are now spread all the way to the end of the music. But now I can go in and move a slide or group of slides to tweak the slide to match any commentary or music.

So I am not sure what effect the ASSAM selection has on the Timeline.

It would be very helpful if there were explanations given when you move your mouse over each choice or selection so you understand better why and when you would want to make a selection. I love the program but I feel that a true understanding of when/why to choose some of these items is sort of a black box...at least to me.

If you can shine anymore light on my confusion, I'd appreciate it. Thanks... Gary

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Yes ok I agree it is a bit confusing. Not sure that I can give you specific answers to your questions now. However I am just about to start to update the original guide I prepared for the timeline of version 4.48, so in doing this, I will get a clearer idea of the various mechanisms, and will try to write these up in as clear a manner as possible.


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Yes ok I agree it is a bit confusing. Not sure that I can give you specific answers to your questions now. However I am just about to start to update the original guide I prepared for the timeline of version 4.48, so in doing this, I will get a clearer idea of the various mechanisms, and will try to write these up in as clear a manner as possible.


Jeff... Super...I'll be looking for it. Thanks...


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