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I would like to be able to see which images have animation applied while I am working within the time line. That way I can make allowance in the timing for the animation. Perhaps a change of colour to the blue flag

Could the slide list be made to scroll while the timeline is on screen. I don't mean automatically, but being able to slide it along to see what images are coming up without having to close the time line would be useful. I doubt its practical to add a tiny thumbnail to the timeline in place of the blue flag that would do the same thing.

Sometimes when going between the image editor, sound editor and PTE5, slides get applied to the time line even though the option to automatically add slides is turned off. They appear right at the far end of the time line which is very confusing until you tumble whats happening.

Why does repeat music after playing always appear ticked by default. Isn't it better to do this the other way round.

In objects and animation would not Cover screen, Fit to Screen and Original be a better label than fit to slide and cover slide?

I would like to be able to easily create buttons of exactly the same size as each other despite what text I apply to them. At present, unless I am missing the solution the button grows if I add more letters than the previous.

For the sake of newer users of PTE why not call the Time Line the same inside the dialogue as well as on the button rather than Customisze Synchronisation

All for now

Barry Beckham



Thanks for that, but it doesn't seem to help. Even with the minimum width set, once you add more letters to the button as Lin says, the button gets bigger. I would like to use the new buttons, but in the same way as PTE4.

At present I do use PTE4 for that purpose.


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