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Preview problem (music)


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Hi there. This is my first post. I've tried searching re. this but can't find anything so apologies if this is a typical newbie question.

I've created a slideshow in PTE 5 where a number of slides have different sound clips. Now here's an example of the problem:

Say, for instance, I put a sound clip with slide number 5 but later choose to start a preview from slide number 6. If there is no sound associated with slide number 6 the sound from slide 5 will still play.

Is there any way to stop this happening?

It's not the end of the world as when I play through the whole file everything is as it should be. It's just a bit annoying when I only want to preview part of a show that I have to hear sound not associated with that section.

Any help will be very much appreciated. Thanks.

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If you add your slide-oriented sounds/music via the "sound" line in the main window, sound for a particular slide will be activated only by playing that slide. Don't forget to check "Don't interrupt sound comment when next slide appears" in "Project Options / Music", unless you want the sounds truncated by the next slide in the normal playing of the show.

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