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I seem to have seen something similar to this on the forum over the last several weeks but can not locate it. I am using PTE 5 Deluxe.

I have a show with 160 slides that I developed while on a mission trip in Mexico last week. I have used personalised settings for time and O & A on several slides and have an extended time listed in "customize slide". I used 4 seconds in project options. I now find that I need 5 seconds. When I put 5 seconds in project options, and depressed the "set for existing slides", it changed all the ones that had extended times for the personalised settings and O & A feature. Is there a way to change the 125, or so slides without going to each one and changing them manually?

In version 4.48, changing the time in project options did not change any slides that had personalised settings.


Is there a way to change the 125, or so slides without going to each one and changing them manually?


You can use the "PTE-5 Adjustor" model to do just that. Check this link:


You can also highlight each of the slides in PTE by "shift - clicking" and/or "ctrl - clicking" on them and selecting "Customize slide", where you can change the delay times from the old default to the new time.


Thanks Al. I knew I had seen this topic somewhere. I guess it was in the discussions about PTE-5 Adjustor. Thanks for the response.


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