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Using PTE .exe file as a template


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17 July 2007 8:38 AM

I am new to PTE and I have viewed several non copyrighted .exe files that I would like to use as a template for my own slide shows. Is this ethical and is it possible to simply incorporate portions of someone elses .exe work into my slide show? My apologies if this has been covered before.


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Hi Gerry,

I don't know of any way you can use an executable slideshow as a "template" other than by simply duplicating the effects, etc.

As for copyright, all images taken by a photographer are copyrighted. So using anothers images without express written consent would be a violation of copyright.

A number of fourm members have created "templates" which you can use to produce identical effects using your own images. These consist of PTE files in which you substitute your own photos renaming them to the same names as those used in the template. These photos then assume the animations and timings given with the originals. In many cases specific files are included such as PNG files which create specialized effects. Those are donated by the author for your use.

Best regards,


17 July 2007 8:38 AM

I am new to PTE and I have viewed several non copyrighted .exe files that I would like to use as a template for my own slide shows. Is this ethical and is it possible to simply incorporate portions of someone elses .exe work into my slide show? My apologies if this has been covered before.


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It's the sort of question that could open up a whole debate on what is copyrighted and what isn't, and who holds the copyright for each of the various aspects of a show be it the images, the music, or the way in which the show has been produced - all far too heavy to go into on the forum.

At the end of the day, whether you choose to copy anothers work is down to you and your own conscience. Look at it another way, if you were in an exam situation and you saw the person next to you copying your work how would it make you feel? [probably angry]. Similarly, would you copy someone else's answers onto your own exam paper? [probably not].

Personally, I would rather take inspiration from a show and use it to make me want to learn how the author achieved a particular effect rather than copy actual sections of it into one of my shows. In other words I want to understand how it was done and to learn to do it myself. That way I am not only learning more about PTE but also stretching my imagination to think about how to adapt the ideas for my own purpose.

As Lin has pointed out there are several members of the forum who have specifically set up templates for others to adapt into their own work. That is fine if that is what you want to do and we should thank them all for the time and effort they put in, and if anyone does use their templates I hope they acknowledge it in the credits.

But that is just my opinion.

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Thank you for the information and guidance. I will take inspiration from the members who have specifically set up templates for others to adapt into their own work and hopefully produce a quality show!


It's the sort of question that could open up a whole debate on what is copyrighted and what isn't, and who holds the copyright for each of the various aspects of a show be it the images, the music, or the way in which the show has been produced - all far too heavy to go into on the forum.

At the end of the day, whether you choose to copy anothers work is down to you and your own conscience. Look at it another way, if you were in an exam situation and you saw the person next to you copying your work how would it make you feel? [probably angry]. Similarly, would you copy someone else's answers onto your own exam paper? [probably not].

Personally, I would rather take inspiration from a show and use it to make me want to learn how the author achieved a particular effect rather than copy actual sections of it into one of my shows. In other words I want to understand how it was done and to learn to do it myself. That way I am not only learning more about PTE but also stretching my imagination to think about how to adapt the ideas for my own purpose.

As Lin has pointed out there are several members of the forum who have specifically set up templates for others to adapt into their own work. That is fine if that is what you want to do and we should thank them all for the time and effort they put in, and if anyone does use their templates I hope they acknowledge it in the credits.

But that is just my opinion.

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