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Advice Resizing please.


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I am enjoying using PTE thanks to the tutorials and forum postings. One area where some advice is needed is resizing in the Batch process as the tutorials all seem to include the "unsharpen mask" action. Is this necessary because the image has been resized and if so what is the optimum setting ie 100% as stopping to adjust each image seems to beat the point of batch process? I use Nero to burn with the Automatic setting for 4.3 and 16.9 and the shows seem to run well in both formats. I have felt however that there is more "shimmer" in recent shows and wonder if the Sharpen effect causes this.

Lastly I see some shows I have saved are Applications and others PTE Projects. How do I save for Application as I am not aware af doing anything different!


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Hello Freddy,

Sharpening is an area where you will always get conflicting advice because there are so many different ways of doing it - the unsharpen method in Photoshop is certainly not the best. However, whenever you resize an image downwards, you are always 'throwing away' some of the pixels in the image and this will reduce the image quality, so some small amount of sharpening is always desireable. If you 'over sharpen' the image you will always introduce a pronounced shimmering effect of thge image - especially when panning or zooming in PTE. As a general rule, sharpen as little as possible, so if your images look good without any sharpening, then leave them alone.


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