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Hello you all.

( ;) Igor and all his team, congratulations, for all this job. If you come in Paris, let me know !)

I think I am not alone to discover by this time the new software VideoBuilder.

I am wondering on how to use it to create a real long DVD : 2 hours, made from a long PTE film (10 chapters, 10 pte files .exe of about 12 minutes each), not in one time, not in one shot. Because if I do, I am afraid that my computer would work for a complete night !!)

For the moment, I only tried to create the DVD files on the hard disk for one chapter (one PTE of 10 minutes). It is ok, very good result. But 1/2 hour of job to obtain 3 VOB, 2 IFO and 2 BUP files...

If I add a new chapter, it will not give some more files as I expected, but the file untitled "VTS_01_1.VOB" will be much bigger.

So, my question is : how to prepare an image of a complete DVD on hard disk, not in one time ?

Should I use the option "ISO picture" ? What is this ?

I am so sorry, I feel ignorant...

I hope the answers to my question will be useful also for the others, on this forum !!

Than you all very much.


Guest Techman1


Hello. Do you happen to have Nero DVD Burning software also loaded on your PC? If you do, you could pull in your multiple PTE projects using Video Builder and create either DVD Folders (.VOBs) or create an ISO file. Then you would pull this one file (set of files) into Nero to do the final burn. You may need to adjust your final output to get all 2 hours onto a DVD (quality will suffer a little bit).

This will cause your PC to be unavailable for the duration while PTE creates either the DVD Folders or the ISO file. I typically do this overnight and just go to bed. The actual burning time doesn't take too long with Nero.

I don't know if this helps you much, but it does work. Just make sure you heed Ken's advice about storage before you start!

Good luck and please advise if I (or someone else) can help further.

Best regards,



Ken, Fred,

thank you both for your help !

- Ken : I read the posts you gave me the links. Yes, I will pay attention to the space disk. To make this film on one disk, I am now sure I need an other software for burning action.

- Fred, I think you gave me the solution. I could not try because I do not posses yet this Nero software.

Before I purchase this software, I would like to be sure I well understood the actions to do. So please, could you confirm to me Fred it is this, with this example :

- We've got 2 pte files : A.pte and B.pte.

- 1). I open A.pte, run bideobuilder and choose dvd actions. I create the A.ISO file on the hard disk. (I can also save that project as A.ptv, ... but it is not necessary.)

- 2). I can do the same another day with B.pte.

- other pte files)...

- END). With Nero dvd burning, I select A.ISO and B.ISO, to burn 1 dvd. In Nero, I can add a menu presenting A and B. Nero makes itself all the VOB, IFO and BUP files.

Did I well understand ? The 1), 2), ... n) actions can take lots of time. But realized separately, use the same space disk for temp files. The final action of burning in Nero is not so long, because the files are already encoded.

If it is correct, you exactly answered to my need !! Thank's Techman-Fred !

Regards to you both.


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