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Really liked the lamb coming out of the frame. That's a great idea.



Hi Jeff,

Thanks - I did it as a joke for one of the forums I frequent where there have been frequent discussions (even arguments - LOL) about whether or not some cameras can produce more of a "3D" appearance. I thought I would "settle" the argument by simply producing one out of a capture from the specific camera then thought maybe I would put together a little "oob" (out of bounds) slideshow using images altered in Photoshop to achieve a three dimensional effect via the other objects and their relationships.

There is a fairly large group of people who love to create oob images. It's becoming more popular in advertising, etc., and can be quite interesting if not overdone. It does shed a bit of light on human perception and how positions and angles, etc., play into our total depth perception beyond that offered by only our overlapping fields of vision. Hopefully, when I get a little time I will create a dozen or so and add to the slideshow.

Best regards.


Really liked the lamb coming out of the frame. That's a great idea.



Hi Ken,

LOL - the sight is working again and I'm having fun and resting up before doing more tutorials. I've added another couple images to the 3D fun and posted on the same link so it's a work in progress....

Best regards,



I'm glad you got your sight back and have not let your imagination go stale :)

keep up the good work



Hi Peter,

LOL - if I ever get R2D2 working! Actually, I've added a few more slides now - just an in process example.

best regards,


Hi Lin,

Great stuff. I loved the winking lizard. Full feature length Star Wars next????

Kind Regards



Hi Jeff,

I've added a few more on the same theme - both out and into frame.... Finished now..


Really liked the lamb coming out of the frame. That's a great idea.




First Class. Please keep doing more of this stuff it is great for inspiration and challenging the old grey matter.



Thanks Gogs,

It's fun playing with this program (PTE) as well as with Photoshop and always a interesting to try to come up with new and different ways in which it might be eventually used for serious presentations.

Best regards,



First Class. Please keep doing more of this stuff it is great for inspiration and challenging the old grey matter.


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