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Setting Music to Slide Show


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Hi all--I am kind of new to this and here is my quandry

I am making a slide show of a reunion that has 400 slides to it. I want to add music and I want the music to flow with the events to tell the story, so to speak.

My slides are approx 625kb at 100dpi and I am using mp3 music files. I am setting this up using the 5.0beta version. Is this going to be to large to put on a CD? Will I be able to put it on a DVD as an alternative?

I've added the music but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to synchonize the music to be places where I want it in the time line. I assume that is where I need to go to do that.

HELP ???? Advise?



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Hi all--I am kind of new to this and here is my quandry

I am making a slide show of a reunion that has 400 slides to it. I want to add music and I want the music to flow with the events to tell the story, so to speak.

My slides are approx 625kb at 100dpi and I am using mp3 music files. I am setting this up using the 5.0beta version. Is this going to be to large to put on a CD? Will I be able to put it on a DVD as an alternative?

I've added the music but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to synchonize the music to be places where I want it in the time line. I assume that is where I need to go to do that.

HELP ???? Advise?




Not sure I can answer the question about whether the show will fit on a CD, but do you mean just the final EXE file, or all the files associated with the project? If it will not fit on a CD you could always use a DVD. You will have to creat the project and see how big it is first.

Regarding the synchronising issue. This is what you do. Select the slides you want to show and divide them up into sections. Add them to your project so that you can look at them on the timeline. Now you can see the various lengths of music you need. Lets say you have three sections and decide that you want three different pieces of music for each section. Now choose your music and use a sound editor (Audacity is a fairly good one and it is free). Import you music into the editor and edit each section so that is the required length. The editor will allow you to export a composite music track with the three bits of music on and you can attach this to your PTE project. Now you can see the slides and music in the timeline and can mannually adjust the position of individual slides so that they match the music.

If you have a piece of music that you want to use and you want a slide to occur at a particular point, then you import the music and adjust the slide position to match the particular point you require.

Maybe this all sounds a bit complicated but, if you have a go, you will soon get the idea. If you have any problems, then just post another query.


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Regarding the synchronising issue. This is what you do. Select the slides you want to show and divide them up into sections. Add them to your project so that you can look at them on the timeline. Now you can see the various lengths of music you need. Lets say you have three sections and decide that you want three different pieces of music for each section. Now choose your music and use a sound editor (Audacity is a fairly good one and it is free). Import you music into the editor and edit each section so that is the required length. The editor will allow you to export a composite music track with the three bits of music on and you can attach this to your PTE project. Now you can see the slides and music in the timeline and can mannually adjust the position of individual slides so that they match the music.

If you have a piece of music that you want to use and you want a slide to occur at a particular point, then you import the music and adjust the slide position to match the particular point you require.

Maybe this all sounds a bit complicated but, if you have a go, you will soon get the idea. If you have any problems, then just post another query.

Hope I'm replying in the right place!

I'm also interested in syncronizing music to section of a slideshow. Unfortunately you lost me on the 'Divide into sections' bit. Yeah I'm newer than new! and need a structured tutorial for this; is there one?


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As mentioned elsewhere in the forum, a comprehensive tutorial in pdf form will be available for PTE shortly. This covers the timeline functions among many other functions of PTE.

However to explain a little further about synchronisation. Suppose you have a slide show of 30 slides, all about the same topic. Now you want to show each slide for about 7 secs say. Thus your total show time is 7 x 30 = 210 secs. Now you look for a piece of music to act as background for the show. You find the right piece and it is 240 secs long. You add it to the project via the Project Options, Music tab and then in the timeline, you spread your 30 slides equally along the music track. So now each slide lasts for 240/30 = 8 secs. That is an example of simple synchronisation.

Now look at another example. This time you have 30 slides, but the first 10 slides are about one topic, the next 10 are about another topic and the last ten are about a third topic. But the three topics are related. Say an introduction a main theme and a conclusion. An example of this is a show I have done recently about an ruined abbey. I started with a short section about the history then followed by a section showing the current ruins and ended by describing how the abbey church was still used today. So I had three sections and I wanted three different types of music for each section. What I did was to create the slides for each section and see how long the sections were. Then I selected my three pieces of music and imported them into my sound editor so that I could make a single track of the three music items. Now I attached this composite music file to my PTE project and adjusted where necessary the slide positions in the timeline window so that they matched the music.

There you go. easy isn't it.


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