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change scource folder


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I have a number of pte presentations, over time the scource images have come from what is now a bit of a jumble. I would like to change them to a more rational scource but without changing each slide separately. That is move the image files to 'new folder' and then change the reference globaly to 'new folder' Can this be done.

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PicturesToExe v4.40 (March 28, 2005)

+ Improved file transference of a project into another disk or PC.

(Copy the main folder of your project (which may contain embedded

folders with pictures or music) and PicturesToExe will find new file paths.)


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Ken and Dofminster,

Going over "Dofminster Post" many times, it seems to me that he doesn't have a "Main Folder" ~ just random images in various Folders on his PC and of course his SlideShow Exe's.....

It seems that his intent is to get everything into a "Holding Folder" named XX....and that creates tricky problems when when one moves Folders...

~The *pte File Associations are lost ~ and the PTE Program won't be able to find them.


I would suggest that he creates a 'New Folder' directly on the Hard-Drive named XX, then put a 'shortcut' to it on his Desktop. Now open the Pte Program Folder and find Templates and COPY everything from there into the New Folder.

If its empty he has a real problem. Here is a "work-around" go to each of his Image Folders and COPY the Folder complete into the 'New Folder' (Copy Folder: Just drag it into the New Folder with the RH.Mouse now RH.Click & Copy) now open the Pte.Program and guide it to the "New Folder" this should fool the Program into thinking its looking at the origional (old) Folders & contents.

Now open each Copy Folder in turn and verify that the *pte File is within that sub-Folder ~if its missing~ search for it within the 'Old Origional Folder' ~if its missing~ do a PC search for *pte XXX (name) if its found copy it into the new sub-Folder, run the Show from it and make a Template. If the *pte is missing~ that Show is lost except for the Exe.File which he can copy to the new sub-Folder within the 'New Folder'. DO NOT RENAME those Copy Folders.

This takes some care and time to execute ~ but once things are up and running from the 'New Folder' round up all the "old origionals" and park them somewhere out of harm's way ~ a sub-folder in My Documents would do.

Finally when he is confident enough, delete all those "old origionals" and learn a valuable lesson ~ MAKE TEMPLATES !

Hope this helps...


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