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I started here with PTE 4.48, upgraded to 5.0, built what I think is a great 23 minute long program of some 1.17gbytes, bought into another almost $60.00 worth of upgrade to burn a DVD. I have tried FOUR times to use the "simple" burn DVD instructions. I've reduced burn speed to minimum, waited hours each time and have tried everything else a novice can bear. I'm beginning to feel inadequate as the best I can get is about 17 minutes on one segment and then it shifts to another - breaks the segment for about 6 minutes of the conclusion! Can someone provide SIMPLE instructions as to how to proceed toward my goal? I have Nero (and others) and/or will buy any other damn thing needed to get this program completed - Helpppppppp!


Try your DVD burning first with a very short show with a few slides and one piece of music. If you are successful at that level you can start trouble-shooting why your larger show is failing.



I agree with Robert ... create a small size show for your first tests/burns of a DVD.

Please provide a little clarity on the file size you have posted "some 1.17gbytes" ... am I correct to understand this is the projected DVD file size and not your exe file size. One cannot overlook some trivial details.

PC and hardware specs would be quite helpfull.

Guest Techman1


Hello. I agree with the others regarding testing first with a small subset of your show.

Secondly, I'm a little confused about what software you are using to burn the DVD with. You indicated that you spent some $60 for upgrades, which implies maybe you didn't purchase the Video Builder upgrade (only $20). What version of Nero do you have?

Since PTE has a few different methods on creating DVD's (Video Builder, AVI's then third party software, etc.), please let us know which method you are using and give us some details on the steps.

I'm sure someone here can help you get your show over to DVD successfully!




O.K., the background as I can describe it: I had upgraded sometime back to PTE V5.00 beta 10 because I liked the page curl effect... Then when I had completed (?) my project I clicked "file - create DVD disc" which takes me to Wn Soft Video Builder V5.00 beta 10 (which I had to upgrade to <$$> the first time that I tried it)... Once there I have gone through all the steps at a couple of hours each, six times now, with fast and slowest burning speeds. My program is exactly 24 minutes long containing 328 slides that are each about 200 dpi and 1,500 width (4-5 meg each). There are about 7 background music pieces, total program +/- 1.2 gig.

The closest that I have come to a DVD is a broken up program with the last several minutes separated from the first portion. These show up as VTS_01_1.VOB & VTS_01_2.VOB - I also have a long .ISO file and a VTS_01_.0001.mpg from all my experimentation (neither any good).

"IF" I can do all this in Video Builder I would be most happy! Taking your advice, I will try to cut a short program and see if I have any better luck,. I NEED my program finalized for an upcoming cruise event for over 500 people viewing it - I'm getting nervous here... Thanks for all the help -

"the novice"

Guest Techman1

Submarine (do you have a real name?),

Have you been able to burn DVD's outside of using PTE? In other words, using Nero or something else? I'm just trying to determine if this is a unique problem with PTE or something to do with your combination of hardware and media being used. Have you tried to use a different brand of DVD? Have you tried to burn the ISO you created using Nero only?

I know it can be frustrating, but hang in there and I'm sure one of us can help!




I am no expert here having just got my version up and running after a reformat. Perhaps the massive content has something to do with it. I use a little program called Batch Image Resizer to reduce all the pics content in one go, down to a few megs for the whole show. The final quality of the pics show little difference from the originals and cuts the burning time to just a few minutes.

Just a suggestion, hope you work it out.

I had the same panic to get a show ready for a funeral, took me 4 days and about 30 discs. Another tip (my girlfriend suggested after the fact), is, when experimenting, use a DVD RW disc, saves a lot of heartache and discs..


Real Name = John

Still no luck! Somewhere along the line in attempting to figure my way through things I ended up with a 1.244 gig .iso file. BUT now that I have it, I can't figure out where to open it and what if anything I can do with it... Jeeezzzz... Besides the program associated with PTE (WnSoft Video Builder, I have Nero but haven't really conquered all of it's bells and whistles yet. I have burned other CD's and I believe DVD's along the line. The machine is a relatively new Sony Vaio XP, pentium 4, with two DVD trays. I started this thread by asking for a simplistic answer and you all have been great, it's just that I'm not there yet. This program will be projected onto two 10' x 10' screens aboard the ms Oosterdam in September (if I can get it figured out and done).


John, the solution is now clear. Just take me on the cruise and I will take care of everything for your presentation! :)

But if that is not reasonable, try this.

Your 1.2 gig .iso file may be all you need. In Wnsoft (PTE) Video Builder, main window, upper left corner: File/Burn ISO image/ Will open a dialogue box with browser type window to select the .ISO file you want to burn to the DVD burner drive you select. I have had some trouble with using Video Builder to burn the .iso file, but have also had success. Yesterday I tried several times where the process would show no progress on the % meter, and then within 10 seconds say it was complete, but nothing was done. It was late last night and I am not sure what I did to overcome the tempermental behavior. But I did re-install PTE and Video Builder, installed new firmware on my HP burner (probably not relevant) and ended up successful last night and today. I did all my trials with very small pte shows, (maybe 2 minutes long.) Once I got it working, I then had no problem with my real project. My real project, was actually a very large show of a friend new to PTE who also had files much larger than I would recommend. His show is one hour, 700 slides,(500+mb) mp3 file of 175mb. The successful burn to DVD in PTE took about 3.5 Gb. I have then burned mutliple copies from the .ISO file as described above.

If you do run into problems, similar to what I had, maybe someone else can help us narrow down the cause. but I think you may find that you can now successfully use PTE Video Builder to burn the .ISO file you have.

Good luck, and please let us know your results.


"I have had some trouble with using Video Builder to burn the .iso file, but have also had success. Yesterday I tried several times where the process would show no progress on the % meter, and then within 10 seconds say it was complete, but nothing was done."

Hello Lumenlux,

I have had exactly the same problem using Video Builder to burn .iso files. Reinstall of PTE & Video Builder was of no help in my case. This problem occurred with the introduction of "Video Builder improvements" in version 5.03, no problem with 5.01 (I skipped 5.02). Unfortunately I deleted 5.01 before I discovered this issue.

Perhaps we can have some input from Sergey.





Some points about your current problems. You say your images are 4 to 5 MB each, but at that size, unless you are zooming every one, they are unnecessarily large. I presume because you are having DVD problems that your show is to be projected from a DVD player in one or other TV format.

The standard 4:3 TV screen is equivalent to only 720 x 576 pixels (for the PAL system, NTSC is less by a small amount), an image size of 1.24 megabytes. If you are zooming, then you will need a larger image to start.

If you will be using a wide screen format at 16:9, the TV image needs no more than 1024 by 576 pixels, a 1.8 MB file.

Resizing your images will save at least 2/3 of your show size, reducing the 1.2GB down to 400MB or less.

When burning a DVD, shut down your internet connection and disable all anti-virus/spyware programs and firewalls, and any other running programs. Leaving those running can wreck a DVD write.

Windows Media Player will play ISO files, if you want to check the compilation before you burn.

However, can I suggest you forget about DVDs and use an exe file instead? An exe file on a laptop through a data projector will leave DVD for dead as far as image quality goes. PTE is optimized for stunning image quality in exe files, DVDs throw away most of that in sizing for TV.



I just made a dvd from an ISO that i had made last Nov with ver pre 8

for the burn I used vb 5 issued june 16 07

the iso was >500 mb and run time is >9 mins

never done it before - worked fine

a footnote:)

the original complete file dvd plays fine in dvd/tv setup and reverts to menu at completion -- the iso convert plays continuous


"I have had some trouble with using Video Builder to burn the .iso file, but have also had success. Yesterday I tried several times where the process would show no progress on the % meter, and then within 10 seconds say it was complete, but nothing was done."

Hello Lumenlux,

I have had exactly the same problem using Video Builder to burn .iso files. Reinstall of PTE & Video Builder was of no help in my case. This problem occurred with the introduction of "Video Builder improvements" in version 5.03, no problem with 5.01 (I skipped 5.02). Unfortunately I deleted 5.01 before I discovered this issue.

Perhaps we can have some input from Sergey.



I hope maybe Igor or Sergey can respond to this. Reading your comment Limey, reminds me that I too may have needed to go back to an earlier version to get the success I described. I should have documented my efforts better, but maybe Igor or Sergey can focus on the possibility that earlier versions did not encounter, at least not as often, the very frustrating problem.


Just an observation here. I did a project yesterday for my girlfriend and knowing she may want to change it I burned it on a DVD+RW with no problem at all. Several changes later when she was happy I tried to burn to DVD+R, I suffered the same symptoms as above with a failed write. tried with a DVD-R which also failed. Repeated the burn with another DVD+RW and it burned perfectly. This was not a problem to the final result as I just copied from the RW to R disc with another program however even that one was fussy about which discs it would complete a burn on, I wasted 6 discs to get two good copies finally on TDK +R using Clone DVD2. The wasted discs were crappy cheap Imation.

Once again I suggest some of the problems with final burn could be the discs and to always try an RW disc first. :D :D :D

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