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Image File Number


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Is there anyway to have the image file number show up on a photo in the slide show? Not much use unless a file number shows up automatically. Don't want to be manually putting one in. I just started to experiment with PTExe so my knowledge is limited. Also I don't know how to open any of those tutorials. What is a swf. file? Nothing I have recognizes that extension. Thanks for any info!!

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Is there anyway to have the image file number show up on a photo in the slide show? Not much use unless a file number shows up automatically. Don't want to be manually putting one in. I just started to experiment with PTExe so my knowledge is limited. Also I don't know how to open any of those tutorials. What is a swf. file? Nothing I have recognizes that extension. Thanks for any info!!

Hi Craig,

If your using Irfanview make sure you have the latest version, also plugins. When you have the latest version installed just double click on the swf file and the movie will begin.

I have a script I use in paintShopPro which adds id of your choosing to an image. If you can use it I'll upload it for you.


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Hi Craig,

The completed user guide is now available - see link above or in Tutorials section. Yes, you can automatically have the file name on each image.

Click on Project Options from main or objects and animations screen, next from that menu click on the "Comments" tab. Look at the bottom and find "set comments for new slides". Click on the small icon at the far right and from the drop-down list choose "Picture name" or "Picture name with extension" then click on "Set for Existing slides"...


Is there anyway to have the image file number show up on a photo in the slide show? Not much use unless a file number shows up automatically. Don't want to be manually putting one in. I just started to experiment with PTExe so my knowledge is limited. Also I don't know how to open any of those tutorials. What is a swf. file? Nothing I have recognizes that extension. Thanks for any info!!
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Hey. Thanks for the timely replies. All I really want to do right now is create simple slide shows that I can give my portrait customers so they can view images to decide what they want. This should do it. I love the expiration feature. Without that it would not be feasible to preview this way.

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Guest Techman1


Yes this really works well. I typically setup my client proof slideshow where it runs automatically from the CD and after it completes it calls up a menu to either run the slideshow again, run my manual show (with image numbers), visit my website, send me an email, etc.

Typically my clients run the slideshow a few times, then run the manual show. This way my clients are ready to order immediately! Woo-who!!!! :lol:


Sample with the Image Number (comments) added to the screen along with navigation bar for manual show. The main slideshow that runs first to music, doesn't have the navigation bar, image number or water-mark.



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I actually was pushed over the edge to do this by visiting Lisa Jane Murphey's site and seeing that she does previews this way. I have been using web previewing and decided that its not a good method. No call to action. With the slide show they know it expires and they can see the images better. Web images stay up too long and older folks just have a hard time navigating. I'll have to go into PTExe and figure out all that you just mentioned. Thanks. Hope your not too wet there in Dallas.

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Hi Fred,

Your system sounds like a good one and is probably easy to do. I have been asked by a number of people if I could produce a pdf tutorial on something similar but, hey! why re-invent the wheel. I wonder if you could email me a brief step by step on just what you do and I can then write it up for those members who are interested.

My email:

Ron West

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Guest Techman1

Hey Ron!

I'll try to get you a step-by-step, but I don't think it will be any time soon. Maybe on my next portrait session, I'll try to take some snap shots of the screens and get this to you. Right now, I'm working on updating my website so it will be a little while.

Take care and thanks in advance for creating a tutorial.



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video _ ts.bup... ts.ifo... TS. vob... VTS_01_0.BUP...IFO... VOB and VTS_01.VOB Media player will play it but I really need this to work automatically so people can just stick it in their DVD player and go. I should be choosing 'Burn DVD Video Disk' correct? And then just following the prompts? What I am not seeing at any point is any exe. file for automatic playing.

I'm sure I'll get used to the way this forum and the tutorials work (which I have tried for a few hours to get to work to no avail)

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well if you have another dvd authoring suite -- like nero deluxe for example - import the video ts folder to nero vision express and make your dvd/video

this will at least get some pressure off you

and next time you have a video problem please put it in the proper section -- it easier to keep track of for all parties



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I'm a little confused by the direction this thread is heading.

You started out by asking for a way to number the slides (you can do this in "Proj Ops / Comments / Set text comment for new slides" and choose the "Slide Number" option. Don't forget to click on "Set for existing slides".) Then you asked about an automatic expiry feature; this will work only in an "exe" file, not a dvd as created in "Video Builder" or other video software.

To use this feature, select "Enable time limited usage" in Project Ops, and then create your slideshow as an "exe" file, and "copy" it to a cd or a dvd (a cd should be large enough to hold it, unless it is a very large show, or you are including a lot of the original images for your client).

You can make the cd (or dvd) autorun by including an "autorun.inf" file in the same root directory as the exe file. The "inf" file should have the format as described in the following forum thread:


Best of luck!

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Read and follow Als (above) Post completely !

You are not going accomplish a expireable client proof slideshow in a DVD movie format.

Video Builder can not copy protect or expire a video disc/content.

You need to burn yourshow.exe to a cd/dvd as a data disc.

PTE does not provide provisions to burn data discs ... you must use your own current burning software.

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Well thanks guys for jumping in. I did not realize before purchasing this software that I would spend as much time as I have trying to figure out how to use it to burn a simple slide show.

OK. So I am not supposed to choose the video button that leads you to the choice of 'Burn DVD-Video disk' or 'Create AVI file in order to burn simple slide shows. I create the slide show then drag the exe file into my cd burner (Sonic Record btw burned as a data disk). After that I type out [autorun] open=myshow.exe in notepad or whatever. With 'myshow' being the name that I used for any given show. I save as autorun.inf . Is this all correct? Tried it. Not working. Computer nor DVD player will read the CD. Its funny that I can click on the exe file that PTexe put on my hard drive but once its burned to the CD it won't open.

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Congratulations for persisting with this. CD drives can be tricky sometimes, especially when it comes to auto-running. By the way, what type of music are you using in your show? Sometimes CD drives have problems sorting out "wav" files in PTE shows, so "mp3" is the way to go. The "exe" files should play OK from a CD if you double-click on them in MS Explorer or MyComputer. Maybe an older drive or possibly a defective one?? Try it out on a couple of other pc's first before giving up on it.

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