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Hi , I have just bought PTE 5.0 deluxe. I wasn't able to define at the project level the size for all the slides fitting automatically with the screen. I was able to set it one by one in the object screen, but this is a very long way.

Can someone help me? Tanks.

Hi , I have just bought PTE 5.0 deluxe. I wasn't able to define at the project level the size for all the slides fitting automatically with the screen. I was able to set it one by one in the object screen, but this is a very long way.

Can someone help me? Tanks.

What image editing software are you using?

If you are using Photoshop or Elements this page may help




If you can give some more information it would be helpful to give you some advice. For example, what is the original size of the images? Are they all the same or are they different?

PTE can automatically fit to screen any image so getting them all the same size in appearance on your slideshow is as easy as using the "fit to slide" or "cover slide". Of course this is individually adjustable per slide, but the default (fit to slide) should make them all fit horizontally. Whether there is black on top and bottom depends on the aspect ratio of the images versus the aspect ratio of the viewing screen.

It's also possible to resize all the images outside PTE and then use "Original" size but then this would not automatically resize for different computer screens.

Best regards,


Hi , I have just bought PTE 5.0 deluxe. I wasn't able to define at the project level the size for all the slides fitting automatically with the screen. I was able to set it one by one in the object screen, but this is a very long way.

Can someone help me? Tanks.


Hi Lin, here is more details. The size is at maximum 3872x2592 but it is different for all images (jpg).

I have slides both horizontal and vertical.

I tried to fix the feature "fit to slide" but this is an option I can change one by one and not for all together (at least this is what I understood). In the project option (and this is valid for all images) I set 4:3 full screen and 100% the size of the window in the screen.

I prepare the slides via Nikon NX software.

If I have to resize out of pte all images, what is the right size?

Thanks. Mauro


Hi Mariner,

It is generally considered to be better to stick to one format in your slide shows and not to mix portrait and landscape unless you use some form of animation or perhaps a frame to hold one or more portrait images.

It is common practice to use your monitor resolution to set your picture size. 1024 x 768 used to be the most popular but 1280 x 1024 is used by many people now. If you asre using widescreen you may want to select a 16:9 ratio. If you want to pan or zoom images you might like to start with larger images to ensure you do not zoom too much and loose quality.

I am not familiar with the Nikon software so can't offer any help with that but I think you will find that most of the people on the forum use either Photoshop or Photoshop Elements. If you have a crop tool available in your NIkon software you can simply crop your images to your selected resolution and save them as jpgs to use in your slide show. If you haven't done so already have a look at the link Barry posted. It's well worth reading.

Kind Regards




Welcome to the Forum!

I don't know about Nikon NX, but in the Nikon "browser" it is possible to select a group of images and resize them and save them to a different directory, and change the names, too, if necessary.

In PTE, the default setting is "Fit to slide", and PTE will downsize original images of the size you indicated, but it is generally advisable to first reduce the images from the "fresh from camera" size to something more manageable and less taxing of the computer resources, as Lin and Peter suggested.


If you are not using any of the Pan, Zoom or Rotate features in Version 5 then the "Correct" or optimum size for your images is the same as the monitor resolution e.g. 1280x1024 or 1024x768 etc. Both of these aspect ratios will require you to "crop" your D80/D200/D2x images from 3:2 to 5:4 or 4:3. Using images of greater dimensions will only add to your project size.

If you are using the PZR features then the required resolution will depend on the amount of zoom used. For instance if you are zooming into or out of an image at 200% then that image (for optimum quality) will need to be at least twice your screen resolution.


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