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I needed to add some voice remarks on my slides but I had a problem. When user will click on the button to hear my wav, windows media player will open, and I didn't want this to happen. Maybe there is a way to do this and maybe not. So I made a small utility which allow me to add my wav file to my slide, and if my user want to hear my remark, he can click the button and play it.

If you want to try it, make a button (or link) and use "Run application or open file" action and choose "SpeakButton.exe" as program name. Rename your wav file to be "sound.wav". Use "PTE" or my "WavMp3InfoConv" to find the length of the wav file and write it (with no comma) on the first line of "SoundTime.txt" (you can write a longer time if you like but not shorter). Include all three files in your show folder or on your CD. You can check the utility by adding "sound.wav" to the folder and run "SpeakButton.exe".

Download from my web site



Guest guru

I liked very much this little software, Granot. By the way, the wav is played immediately, without waiting Win Media Player (or another player) opens.

Thanks again for all your work!


Robert, Guido, Thanks.

I added an enhanced utility to "SpeakButton".

Now you can add up to 3 wav files to play and you can decide how long each wav will play, and how long to pause between each file. If you feel more than 3 wav files are neccessary, I can make it. And if you are thinking what you can do with it, here is an example:

Slide show name: "Meet my family"

slide 5 - picture of my aunt and uncle.

Button with link to utility -

When click first wave file (you): "Now you will hear my aunt and uncle talking"

Second wav file (aunt): "Come here you lazy bum !"

Third wav file (uncle): "Shut up you silly cow !"

For other useful uses you'll have to think by yourself.


I just finished the last version of ""SpeakButton" but I didn't upload it since I think no one will need it. Why ? In this new version you can play as many wav files you want, and I think up to 3 files will answer all needs (the current version). So this is just to let you know if one day you need to play more then 3 files, tell me and I'll send it to you.


Granot...your latest utility sounds like a winner as usual but what I'd really like to do is option your script...such earthy dialog deserves to be on the Big Screen...perhaps Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts??

Jim in LA.


Robert - Since I have (no more) aunts or uncles, I am inocent.

Jim - The utility is free. As for the script, Mel Gibson will have to pay. With Julia Roberts I'll find another arrangment (I was thinking about free tickets, in case your mind was on other things).


Great utility. Just dwnldd it. Have to test yet. Thanks a lot for this and the many others I tested that worked like the ruler, the procedures to autorun the cd containing my pte project... I still have to test the many others again to confess. I always use another pc that I don't remember which program you made I have exactly tested.

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