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I am preparing a short presentation of 5-10 minutes with one or two music files in the background. My wife will comment on the pictures during the presentation. All pictures are set to "Stop at the end of this slide." The last slide is blank. I would like to fade out the music on the last slide, but I couldn't figure out how to do this.

Can anybody offer a solution or a workaround?

Can anybody offer a solution or a workaround?

Turn the volume down on the p.c. or amplifier at the right moment! It seems to be the only option as the music is not syncronised.


Can you not just cut and fade the music in Audacity(free sound editor)?

Or have I misunderstood the problem?


I agree with Neil. Download the free program Audacity and edit the ending. It's really easy to add a fade out and cut the rest. Resave as an MP3 and you got it.


...<snip>....All pictures are set to "Stop at the end of this slide." The last slide is blank. I would like to fade out the music on the last slide...<snip>....

I may be wrong but I think what Hartmut is saying is the show is manually advanced from slide to slide and therefore the timing of the show can be from 5 to 10 minutes long.

After trying a number of ideas I find I am unable to do this. Setting the last slide, (blank), to a fixed time and adding a sound file with this timing and a fadeout works but the music from the previous slide is then chopped off abruptly. I thin we need to wait until Igor adds the sound editing functions as promised to a future version of PTE to achieve this.


Thanks to all who took the time to respond to my post. I really enjoy this forum and the many creative people. As far as I understand your answers there is no way to fade out the music on the last slide with PTE 5.03 except by doing it manually. John, you understood me correctly. I hope this feature will be included in PTE in the near future.

I am preparing a short presentation of 5-10 minutes with one or two music files in the background. My wife will comment on the pictures during the presentation. All pictures are set to "Stop at the end of this slide." The last slide is blank. I would like to fade out the music on the last slide, but I couldn't figure out how to do this.

Can anybody offer a solution or a workaround?

There is an aesthetic problem with fading music at an arbitrary point and not at least at a cadence or the end of a phrase.

My solution would be to have your wife modify the timing her delivery to coincide with the natural end of the music, which would be a more professional way of doing it.

She would probably need some sort of timer, or actually record her comments on each slide in PTE.

Of course, if some interaction with the audience will take place, timing will be very diffficult, and manually fading the sound will be the only way.

Good luck


There is an aesthetic problem with fading music at an arbitrary point and not at least at a cadence or the end of a phrase.

My solution would be to have your wife modify the timing her delivery to coincide with the natural end of the music, which would be a more professional way of doing it.

She would probably need some sort of timer, or actually record her comments on each slide in PTE.

Of course, if some interaction with the audience will take place, timing will be very diffficult, and manually fading the sound will be the only way.

Good luck


OK Hartmut, Since there is no way to predict how long any given slide will be on screen or how long before the last slide appears, why not make this easy? Besides, it would be impossible to control with a slide show of a predetermined length anyway. Just control the music separately, with another device like an mp3 player, going through a receiver, to the speaker system or your own freestanding speakers. Load enough music to get through the longest program you can envision, then play it and pause or fade anytime/anywhere you want to. Most all stereo receivers have a remote and smooth fades would be a cinch. There are other devices too, this is just my sample, however I don't see how this could ever be a feature in any slide show program.

And along the same lines as Colin has suggested, your wife could record a narration, while going manually through the slides. Then make it the sound track of the show. A script would be make it very professional and everything would be consistent every time!



Hello, not a solution but an idea. Fill the last black slide with a black picture

and add another black slide. The black picture is to trigger an external

program (animation > on mouse click > run another program) now you

just need to google for a tool that decreases the volume of windows

slowly to zero thus fading the music which is still playing. However, I

don't know such a tool - just an idea...


Very "outside the box" thinking - Brillant!!!


Heres a simple way to get just the (system) volume control slider for use in your slideshows.

Create a button or object or run it any way you like.

Action on mouse click:

Run Application or open file

"C:\WINDOWS\system32\Sndvol32.exe" -t

or ...

"Sndvol32.exe" -t

*Use for XP ... not sure of compatability with Vista.

*This is manual control only ... no auto fading. Once focus is off the volume control ... it closes itself

*Note: Be sure to run/show the volume control at the end of the slideshow ... so the user can restore to their orig volume setting if need be.

Heres an image of the volume slider. Small, simple ... sweet.


Heres a simple way to get just the (system) volume control slider for use in your slideshows.

"C:\WINDOWS\system32\Sndvol32.exe" -t

or ...

"Sndvol32.exe" -t

*Use for XP ... not sure of compatability with Vista.

Heres an image of the volume slider. Small, simple ... sweet.

I love this one nobeefstu. Is there nothing that the members of this forum can't do? :)

tool that decreases the volume of windows

slowly to zero thus fading the music which is still playing. However, I

don't know such a tool - just an idea...

Volker, thanks for the idea. :P

If I have the freetime this weekend ... I should be able to make this autofader for the volume level.

I will have it get the current/initial set volume, fade down in % steps in about 3-4 seconds from 100%, then it will reset to the initial set volume. Let me test it out for a day or two .... and if all is well I have it available early next week .

Together we can work out the best way to implement/enable it at the slideshows end. Volker's way has possibilites.

Edited Sep 8/07

VolFader beta build finished. Needs test/timing tweaks. Tests shows perform nicely on fullscreen non-accelerated shows. However, it does have that infamous fullscreen twich/blink issue on launching when using 3D acceleration ... for which I can find no resolve.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi "nbeefbtu",

Any progress on "VolFader? I understand PTE might have a volume/sound inline "editor" sometime in the future, and that'd be great feature. I know work in Audacity or another "stand alone" music editing program might give the effect one wishes. But being with my being a person who would go out of their way to find a lazier way to do something I'd greatly welcome this as it would, I think, give a "polished" quality to a slidshow.

In the meantime your work with "VolFader" would be nice. :)



VolFader is complete except for making a readme.txt and creating a icon. When post responses stopped on this subject ... so did I. -_-

It suffices as a workaround till PTE gets its own volume fading abilities. Its only for End of Show then Exit uses ... non adjustable.

Send me a PM -Private Message with your email address so I can send it out to you to test. I will upload later if too many inqueries.


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