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Picture is jerky in the transisition to next slide


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I am an old 4.48 user that is starting to enjoy the benefits of the new video opportunities with version 5.0. I was always looking for a way to convert my slideshows to mpegs due to the powerful features of PTE. Looks like I found it again. Great job in improving the program Igor.

I have just finsihed my fourth full blown dvd. I use DVDit as my authoring package as it is very powerful with no restrictions on menu and button controls. I use PTE to convert my slideshows to mpg files. It runs great in DVDit, but I am having problems in the transitions. I use all of the random slide transitions and they are fine. I just notice that about every 4-5 slides seem to be generating static or make the slide not truly a smooth transition. Not a really bad jump or jerky motion but enough to be noticeable and to me I am a perfectionist.

Does anyone know if there is a know issue with this happenstance? I am shrinking my large digitial pics down to 1076 x 768. I do not get any problems with the number of slides. I mentioned my authoring program and it uses the resultant mpg movie files without any problems. I know the jerky behaviour is not an issue with dVDit as I still use it as a standalone with many other uses.

Would appreciate anyone maybe answering this or referring me to a known solution. Thanks, Linda and Jeff for your manual on the version 5.0 animations. I thought it was really insightful.....jongru

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I just notice that about every 4-5 slides seem to be generating static or make the slide not truly a smooth transition.

Is this behavior in the final DVD output when played/displayed on TV ... or is in Video Builders preview/build window while its creating/processing the MPEG2 file ?

I still use it as a standalone with many other uses.

Does the MPEG2 file created by Video Builder have the same behavior when directly played in WMPlayer on your pc?

Have you tried creating the DVD with Video Builder (not DVDit) as a test to confirm the same behavior?

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Is this behavior in the final DVD output when played/displayed on TV ... or is in Video Builders preview/build window while its creating/processing the MPEG2 file ?

Does the MPEG2 file created by Video Builder have the same behavior when directly played in WMPlayer on your pc?

Have you tried creating the DVD with Video Builder (not DVDit) as a test to confirm the same behavior?

Hi beefstu,

It did not happen during the pre dvd stage. I previewed the show in PTE and it had on quirks. The mpeg used in my authoring package is when I noticed the static during the transition on about every 4-6 transitions. Same static in WMPlayer at the identical locations also. It might have something to do with me using all the transitions available???? Maybe I should go back and do it again without any of the transitions. At least then I would know the trail may be in that location. What think ye???? jongru

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I previewed the show in PTE and it had on quirks.

You need to fix these quirks in the slideshow first ... before proceeding to create a DVD slideshow. Any playing defects/quirks in the original (preview) composition will be visually recreated in the DVD compilation. DVD shows fps is not going to match the superior pc shows fps ... allowances must be expected and adjusted for.

Maybe I should go back and do it again without any of the transitions.

First try and disable Hardware Acceleration checkbox in the PTE-Project Options/ Screen/ Screen Options if its currently enabled.

Are the quirks still in PTE preview ?

If not ... your best bet is to keep the transitions simple and not use "all of them". Just use the basic transitions ... or try and locate/remove the transitions that are promoting the offending quirks.

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I think he mean't to say "... it had no quirks".


Try closing a few background programs such as your antivirus, email, browser, screensaver, etc., before creating the DVD, and see if that helps.

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oooopps ... Al, thanks for clearing up my misinterpretation !

I think he mean't to say "... it had no quirks".


How about creating a simple test Mpeg 2 file ... of about 20 slides with transitions of your show and testing it directly in WMPlayer. It seems strange that your quirk issue repeats itself every 4-5 slides using "all transitions". I fail to see cycling thru that amount of transitions produces a repeat quirk every 4-5 slides. I need to give this more thought :blink:

I would still suggest creating the DVD with Video Builder (not DVDit) as a test to confirm the same behavior.

** be sure to still use Al's suggestions in above post.

just to help ... a few details please :

How many slides in your show ?

How large file size is final output Mpeg2 ?

Are you using default or modified Video Builder/Project options (video and audio) ?

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oooopps ... Al, thanks for clearing up my misinterpretation !


How about creating a simple test Mpeg 2 file ... of about 20 slides with transitions of your show and testing it directly in WMPlayer. It seems strange that your quirk issue repeats itself every 4-5 slides using "all transitions". I fail to see cycling thru that amount of transitions produces a repeat quirk every 4-5 slides. I need to give this more thought :blink:

I would still suggest creating the DVD with Video Builder (not DVDit) as a test to confirm the same behavior.

** be sure to still use Al's suggestions in above post.

just to help ... a few details please :

How many slides in your show ?

How large file size is final output Mpeg2 ?

Are you using default or modified Video Builder/Project options (video and audio) ?

Hi Nobeefstu,

I am using about 200 slides sized to 1076 x 768 that is my usual size for sshows. I increased the bitrate to 7500 in a small slideshow converted to a dvd and it appeared to eliminate some of the static in transitions. A straight Mpg ran in WMPlayer seems to be the best. I believe other than the bitrate change I have played with the default settings so far.

Thanks Al, for setting the no vs on in my reply to nobeefstu....jongru

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I increased the bitrate to 7500 in a small slideshow converted to a dvd and it appeared to eliminate some of the static in transitions.

Increasing the btirate was one of my next reccomendation for you to test. I too have increased the bitrate on Mpeg2 output on some faster paced shows. It can lessen visable compression artifacts (visible noise or defects caused by compression}.

However its probably best to limit the bitrate of Mpeg2 to a maximun of 8000 (8 Mbit/sec) ... as recommended by Mpeg2 encoding standards to maintain the best compatibility among all players.

The tradeoff is higher bitrates can increase the video quality ... but the playing time is decreased due to the larger filesize created. Maintaining compatability should be the primary goal.

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Hi Nobeefstu,

I am currently using the PTE slideshow to Mpeg ability to enhance multiple presentations on one DVD. Works fine, just the aforementioned static in the PTE mpegs. This is not a major distraction as the dvd plays. I am sure I will figure out the minor problems with you guys help. I am just thankful that there is now the ability to take a slideshow with all the features of PTE and convert to a mpg format for future authoring. I still like to use my DVDit authoring package due to my control of buttons, screens, and menu developments with no limitations to standardized layouts. I like PTE's Dvd formats, just used to doing things my way...thank you for your continuing assistance....jongru

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi Nobeefstu,

I am currently using the PTE slideshow to Mpeg ability to enhance multiple presentations on one DVD. Works fine, just the aforementioned static in the PTE mpegs. This is not a major distraction as the dvd plays. I am sure I will figure out the minor problems with you guys help. I am just thankful that there is now the ability to take a slideshow with all the features of PTE and convert to a mpg format for future authoring. I still like to use my DVDit authoring package due to my control of buttons, screens, and menu developments with no limitations to standardized layouts. I like PTE's Dvd formats, just used to doing things my way...thank you for your continuing assistance....jongru

Hi All, I think the jerkiness issue is resolved. I increased the bitrate to standard or default 8000 and everything is steady now....I am not sure that was the solution, but am satisfied with all the help I received....thank you, jongru

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