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I am currently using 5.0 version and here is my problem: I have set a time limit usage on a slide show I have created but it doesn't work. I have set the usage to one time but i can still view the slide show over and over after I have burnt it. What am I doing wrong? Also how can I make sure someone can not copy any of my pictures on the burnt slide show?

ANY and ALL help would be greatly appreciated! I've been working on this for quite a while and can't seem to get it. Thank!!

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This question of copying slides from a PTE slide show has been raised so many times now. The short answer is that there is no real way of preventing anyone from copying your pictures. It can be done with any of the many 'screen capture' progtrams availble on the internet. Just keep your image size low, e.g. 72 res and then any copies made will not be of a high enough quality to print well.

You could place a copyrite symbol on each image, if you are really concerned. See my website for a free tutorial on how to do this.


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I must admit I have not tried the "run x number of times" option but I have used the "date limited" options. Even then however, they seem to only be effective if the show is copied to the pc before running it, then the limits work very well. I do not know of anyone who has been able to make them work if the show is run directly from the burnt copy.

Regarding the copying of images in your show then I agree with Ronnie that you either keep the image resolution as low as you can without losing too much quality in your show or place a watermark of some kind across each image. There is also an option on the Project Options/Advanced tab that you can check to prevent printscreen from copying pictures. I do not know how effective this would be against external screen capture programs but it may be sufficient to prevent the casual user from taking copies of your images.

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The operant word here is "burnt". These security features are not designed for DVD slideshows but for executable slideshows. There is no way to alter code which has been made into a movie format. Setting the number of times a show will run or an expiration date is a function of a computer. The executable code must make modifications to make this work so from what you have said I'm assuming you are creating a DVD. If this is the case there is no way to make it cease running after a date or number of times played because there is no way to write to the code from a TV or DVD player. These features will work when the slideshow is played from the executable file but not from media like DVD.

Best regards,


I am currently using 5.0 version and here is my problem: I have set a time limit usage on a slide show I have created but it doesn't work. I have set the usage to one time but i can still view the slide show over and over after I have burnt it. What am I doing wrong? Also how can I make sure someone can not copy any of my pictures on the burnt slide show?

ANY and ALL help would be greatly appreciated! I've been working on this for quite a while and can't seem to get it. Thank!!

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What about copying the slide show to a CD, would that work differently than a DVD? This was a very important feature that I really wanted to use in this program, so I really want to find any possible way to make this work. What I am trying to accomplish is making a photo slideshow for my clients that they could only use for a short period of time before they would be forced to come in and order their pictures, so it is a electronic way of doing proofs, so to speak.


The operant word here is "burnt". These security features are not designed for DVD slideshows but for executable slideshows. There is no way to alter code which has been made into a movie format. Setting the number of times a show will run or an expiration date is a function of a computer. The executable code must make modifications to make this work so from what you have said I'm assuming you are creating a DVD. If this is the case there is no way to make it cease running after a date or number of times played because there is no way to write to the code from a TV or DVD player. These features will work when the slideshow is played from the executable file but not from media like DVD.

Best regards,


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There "may" be a way to make this work. It can't work if the show is actually run from the CD, but one of our members writes some very creative software which may accomplish this. What it does is automatically copy the file to the hard disk and run it from the hard disk. The program is called "autopano" and you can download it here:


A donation is suggested if this works for you. You can email Granot from his site for more information. Just scroll down on the lists of software until you find "AutoPano".

Best regards,


What about copying the slide show to a CD, would that work differently than a DVD? This was a very important feature that I really wanted to use in this program, so I really want to find any possible way to make this work. What I am trying to accomplish is making a photo slideshow for my clients that they could only use for a short period of time before they would be forced to come in and order their pictures, so it is a electronic way of doing proofs, so to speak.
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