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Burning DVD for Panasonic DVD players

Ken Sharpe

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I have been using the latest Pictures to Exe and Video Builder to make simple slide shows to play on the domestic DVD player.

My latest is five shows ,which for the sake of the subject matter I put on three title sheets.

Using the Keys in the lower part of the title page I can turn the pages and run any show using my computer - - perfect.

However the domestic player does not want to know.I can only play the shows on the first page and can find no keys on the remote control that will turn the index page.

Can anybody help?

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Ken Cox

Thanks for the suggestion. Use of the menu button just brings a warning symbol,if you persist the player locks and the only way out is to disconnect from the mains.

Surely some users of Pictures to Exe make Dvds with more than one index sheets and use them on domestic players? If so what players are they using?

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