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I've just completed my first slide show using this software but when I go to burn it it comes up with the error message 'picture not found' and the name of my company. Below is another box showing something about music?

I'm sure that I've gone into all boxes etc but can't figure out where I'm going wrong.


I've just completed my first slide show using this software but when I go to burn it it comes up with the error message 'picture not found' and the name of my company. Below is another box showing something about music?

I'm sure that I've gone into all boxes etc but can't figure out where I'm going wrong.



Simple answer ~ everything related to ANY Slideshow must be contained within a 'Root Folder' (Mother Folder)

That include Images AND/OR Copy Images -Music Files AND/OR copy Music File, etc. ~ and everything MUST

be saved to that Folder even the finished Exe.Slideshow. In your case the Program is looking for Images/Files

which it can't find because you have moved/removed them...

If you remove any Image or Sound File you must Re-Save your work prior to making an Exe, otherwise you

are asking the PC to find an Image or File which doesn't exist ~ which it can't do !



Simple answer ~ everything related to ANY Slideshow must be contained within a 'Root Folder' (Mother Folder)

That include Images AND/OR Copy Images -Music Files AND/OR copy Music File, etc. ~ and everything MUST

be saved to that Folder even the finished Exe.Slideshow. In your case the Program is looking for Images/Files

which it can't find because you have moved/removed them...

If you remove any Image or Sound File you must Re-Save your work prior to making an Exe, otherwise you

are asking the PC to find an Image or File which doesn't exist ~ which it can't do !


Hi Bohemia,

Further to Brian's reply to you.

I've learn't that if you structure yourself before making a slideshow, things will go much smoother for you.

By this this I mean you first create a file folder structure. Below is what I do BEFORE creating a slideshow.

I make these folders;

My SlideShow (name of my slideshow -Root or mother folder)


|___Master Images (my original photos)

|___Layered Images (original photos I've manipulated ie photoshop, paintshop pro etc..)

|___Resized Images (original photos resized and to use in my slideshow)

|___Music for slisdeshow (music to be used in my slideshow)

|___Project Folder (where I save my .PTE file and later my .exe file)

This means everything for my slideshow is in the one place. I learn't this from the Beckham cd's

and is very good practice.



Welcome to the world of PTE AVs and the user forum Bohemia, you will find lots of help and advice here.

Mario has said it all, I would just add that you save your work as a template which will give you a complete backup of the project files and save this on a DVD/CD. This will save you looking for files at a later date.

If you are using PTE v5 you can also use "Create Backup in ZIP" for this.

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