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Run Application after last slide

Barry Beckham

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I am very familiar with this process, so I am reasonable confident this is not use error.

I have made a generic intro slide show in PTE5 and and called it Logo.exe. I have tried to set up the Run Application after last slide option to open another slide show, but it will not run and throws up an error message.

It works fine when I set it to open a web page, Photoshop or even another PTE5 slide show.

It refuses to open a PTE4 slide show no matter what I do. The two files will be in the root of a DVD so the parameters to Run Application after last slide option are simply "start.exe"

I tried to get around this by using a button on the last slide of the logo slide show, but the same error message appears.

I have done this before, but both programs were PTE4

Any ideas guys and gals?


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Yes I tried that, but the problem is the same. I can't resave the original slide show in PTE5 either because it is a DVD menu structure with buttons made in PTE4. Converting it to PTE5 destroys the quality of the buttons. Can't use PTE5 buttons because they are not as good as PTE4 ones for what I use them for.

Just tried it anyway and it does fire up fine, so it has to be a technical problem between 5 and 4.


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I too get the same message error at times when using certain names ... this occurrs even with v5 opening another v5 show.

It may be due how our pcs (or Igor) configured to protect against executing certain names known to run harmfull script actions using version 5. Version 4 never did this error.

Workaround :

Rename your Start.exe to Start_1.exe.

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I tried the same thing with the setting you mentioned on and off and the same error occurs

Later last night I copied into the file string another start.exe file from another project. It is almost identical to the one I have been trying to link to. Its a small PTE4 slide show that provides a menu for my DVD. The process worked perfectly.

It seams the problem is with just this one file.


Brilliant, I just never thought of that especially after I got an almost identical start file from another project to fire up correctly last night. Your work around did the trick

Well done mate and thanks

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