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I know that many members of this forum have made good use of this envelope effect and I am not surprised because it really is very good. However, the standard template only caters for 10 postcards and I want to add more. I have read the instructions that came with the original download but I just do not understand the process that Dom explains. I wonder if anyone has actually been able to add more cards to the template, if so, perhaps you could explain just how you did it please.


I know that many members of this forum have made good use of this envelope effect and I am not surprised because it really is very good. However, the standard template only caters for 10 postcards and I want to add more. I have read the instructions that came with the original download but I just do not understand the process that Dom explains. I wonder if anyone has actually been able to add more cards to the template, if so, perhaps you could explain just how you did it please.


You are not alone, I could not understand TheDom note re expansion. Help would be appreciated.




I have just tried to add more photos as of yet only been able to place one at a time.

Problem being No 14 slide as no Pic N+1,afraid I am not clever enough to know how to change this so my way round it at the moment is to add 1 slide at a time.

Copy No13 slide and Paste between original slides 13 & 14 so now Original No 14 becomes No 15.

Select new slide 14, go to O&A window > Properties Browse choose YOUR PIC - Pic N browse HD choose envelope10.jpg.

Then in properties choose YOUR PIC – Pic N+1 > Browse HD choose envelope11.jpg your new Photo.

Sorry haven’t got any further with this at the moment only hope you can understand it.

All the best Ray



I try explain

1)" Copy "Slide 13 (ctrl+c) and "Page " (ctrl + v ) any time do you wanted

2) Slide 14,15, 16 ......... open Objects and animation and replace pic n y pic n+1 for your photos

3) new slide 14 : "pic n" are same "pic n+1" from slide 13

4) complete slides with the same original slide 14 to see close on envelope.

I hope understand me.


Hi Silvia,

I have just copied and Pasted more slides now and as long as you paste them between the last two slides

leaving the last slide always at that position no problem and very quick and easy to do. Dont copy last slide copy the Two

slides before the last

All The best Ray.


Hi Ron,

I am sorry I find these things easy to sort out but so hard to put it into words for others to understand.

After placeing my first try with copying 2 slides I found I had trouble placeing them in between the last two slides so now I move the last slide to the other side of the Black slide before copy and paste, I then copied the slides 13 & 14 three times giveing me an extra six pictures then moved the last slide back into position, all was easy to do then from the O&A window useing the small arrows at top right of the Properties in O&A.

you must remember that the first slide Your pic - pic N must be the number of the previous slide.

Hope you can follow this Ron, its bedtime now for me but will see if I can come up with a better solution for you to morrow.

All the best Ray






I had add more pictures, now the demo have 30 pictures.

I think that more is not good.

If do you want to delete some picture:

For example Picture 27, picture 28 and Picture 29 = Envelope26.jpg, envelope27.jpg and envelope28.jpg. You need fix the picture 26 (now it is the last -without the picture called the end-)

For that, select picture 27 = envelope26.jpg and go to Objects and animation. There, in the right-down corner (Objects) look for: YOUR PIC Pic n+1, select it and go up (in the window screen) in propierties, go to picture and change that picture for EnvelopedEND.jpg (this is the really last image).

I don´t know very much english but I hope you understand me, if it is not, please, tell me what do you don´t understand.



Hi Morasoft,

Your English is good and easy to understand not like my Mess and I am English.

I really like your idea of changeing the last slide name to END makes it so much easier when comeing

to make changes.

Thank you very much for that and well done.

All the best to you


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