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Hello Everybody,

O.k., here's something that I banged my head against the wall for last month:

It was a day-long series of events, a company annual picnic. Events ranged from softball to volleyball to BBQ, horseshoes, pie contests, etc. The events were shot by four different people, with four different digital cameras. The final product for this was a Photoshop-generated web gallery for the company intranet.

But, if I were to do a PTE show, I'd still be faced with some of the same workflow challenges. The tough part was to organize a lot of files with different naming schemes. I ended up doing a brute-force sort with lots of intermediate folders.

Is there a program out there that will read the EXIF time stamp and do a sort by that? (Assuming all the cameras are set to the same time, it would group multiple camera angles of the same event together.) If I could have done a time stamp sort, then batch rename, the whole project would have gone much faster.

Or, is there a better way to handle the situation?

Thanks for any input on this.


Lee Schwabe

San Antonio, Texas


XP will do that, if you are running XP. Not sure about earlier Win OS's.

PTE should be able to do that, but can't yet. There are some problems w/the sorting in the PTE file list. We asked Igor to update the sorting capability of the File list some time back, not sure of the status of that...sort on date created in the EXIF data is a must-have IMHO, in this age of digital cameras.


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