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I am not too sure that I understand you correctly ~

Do you want to convert an existing PTE.Slideshow into an AVI File directly from the Slideshow Exe File....??

Yes, such types software exist, but to my knowledge you can't convert the actual EXE.File to an AVI File.

However "AOA Media" supply Software to convert DVD to AVI and Video to AVI but I cant be certain that

this will work with a PTE Slideshow to AVI. Contact them and send a small PTE Show to see if its possible.

"See Attachment" and "Link" to their Website.

AoA Media are one of the leading Software Manufacturers in Video Technology.





The program I have utilized is FRAPS http://www.fraps.com/ .

It's main use is display directx frames per second for comparing video card performance. It does also support avi capture that can create very large files because it can't encode in real time. After capturing you can convert to mpg/divx/h.264. You must have a large amount of free disk space but the results can be very good.


Hi Tom,

Are you sure that "Fraps" will open-up a PTE.Exe File ?...or does is simply capture a "playing" Exe ?

The reason I ask is that 'Granots Program' and others do exactly the same job of Screencapture of PTE

and the quality of this is dependent on the screen-resolution of the Monitor, (ie:-The signals coming from

the VGA Adapter). This simple method will not produce a Hi-Res AVI.

I agree with Ken, I do not know of any worthwhile Program which is capable of de-compiling a PTE.Exe in

order to extract its JPeg contents so one can make a quality AVI File. One would have to know the PTE source code to do that !

I vaguely remember an Admin thread from Igor ~ he said that he was looking into that possibility for PTE.5xxx

I did have a look at the "Fraps Program" which is geared to Video ~ perhaps we are all missing something here ~ could you give more details about this Software as this problem has turned up on this Forum more times than I care to remember ??




Good man yourself ~ many thanks for the reply, that explains all ~ so in reality

it is a good Screencapture Utility (some of them are awful) as to whether SVIFK

can accept that I dont know. I had visited the site but didn't download anything.

I love your definition of Hi-Res...anything above 800x600...in fairness that

sometimes works better than Big Res!

All the best...


svhs + an audio cable output from graphic/video card to a dvd recorder/tv setup


spent the evening getting my computer to talk to my dvd recorder and this could be what i,ve been wanting to do in a roundabout way.

i,m now getting the picture OK on the screen ready for recording just need a cable for transferring the sound as well.

once again thanks to everyone with their suggestions

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