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Hi All,

I do know that this is Off-Forum, but in the interests of keeping your PC safe there is a

new version of the old "W32Netsky.Virus" on the loose since A.M this morning.(BST)

This version:- W32Netsky.P@mm originated way back in 2004 but has popped

up again in a 'new suit' and this time its virulent although its still classed as Rating.3.

In my case it came through our Network Server (despite our Firewall) and came through my

own personal 3-Comm Firewall ~ Norton Executive caught it before any damage was done.

Norton could not fix-it, it was quarantined, then deleted, followed by a Full-Scan. There

were no after-effects after the deletion process.

Delivery:- Its coming thro Spam-Mail in the body text of the Mail as .'txt' and as .'doc'

It does not need any attachment nor for you to open anything for it to effect its delivery.

Its coming as 2-3 attacks within the one EMail session of some 20 EMails.

It hits:- 95-98-98se-ME-NT-2000 and XP (all versions) It scans the HD,implants itself and will

attack the System, then IE.Explorer and a whole range of Microsoft MIME Components and your

VGA.System despite the fact that Microsoft have 'bullet-proofed' MIME many times before.

If you have forgotten to update your Anti-Virus ~ you are wide open to this (new) vicious "Pest"


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