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I like Picture to Exe over most photo slide show softwares, because P2E takes very few memories and may use midi to make the background music. My friends also like it too. But when I distribute it through email, some people are afraid use it, because feared it includes the virus, most people don’t open the file with extension “.exe” or “.com”, that is true to stop the P2E wide spreading over the world, my suggestion is:

1. To develop a software to prove (P2E).exe without virus including, or it is a P2E file.

2. To develop a small software can be used to start the (P2E).exe file only and don’t open other .exe files.


Photo 2020

I agree with your view, it would be nice to have a Presenter like Photodex ProShow. Not sure if this is possible or whether we would sacrifice too much in the way of quality.



upload your shows in a zip to the cottage, mediafire or equivalent

then send notices to people c/w link to said show

the cottage


virus scans the shows before he opens them for review



scans the shows before it downloads them

it is your friends responsiblity to have an up to date virus scanner

in the past various virus scanners have gave false readings and said certain shows were virus - which they were not

midi files for sound cannot be used to make dvd's -- they require a computer to synthsize the music

gmail will not pass a zip with an exe in it - even tho' i renamed the exe to a txt file

hotmail will not pass a whole collection of different file extensions - from my archives i quote

I use hotmail as a tool and a storage place - recently found out that it strips urls

the reason described below

I can't download or send attachments

Windows Live Hotmail doesn't support all file types. If you send an attachment that Windows Live Hotmail doesn't support, the e-mail recipient won't be able to download or open the attachment. To send or receive an unsupported file type as an attachment, use one of the following methods, or ask the person sending you the attachment do so:

Compress the file

Use a zipped folder or a third-party compression program to compress the file, and then attach it as a .zip file. See your software documentation for information about how to compress a file.

Change the file extension to .txt

Locate the file that you want to attach, right-click the file, and then click Rename.

Type txt in place of the original file extension, and then press ENTER.

Attach the renamed file to your e-mail message.


Remember to tell the recipient how to change the file extension back after they download the attachment to their computer.

The following file extensions are not supported:

.ade .adp .asp

.bas .bat .chm

.cmd .com .cpl

.crt .exe .hlp

.hta .inf .ins

.isp .its .js

.jse .lnk .mdb

.mde .mdt .mdw

.msc .msi .msp

.mst .pcd .pif

.reg .scr .sct

.shb .shs .tmp

.url .vb .vbe

.vbs .vsd .vsmacros

.vss .vst .vsw

.ws .wsc .wsf


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  photo2020 said:
2. To develop a small software can be used to start the (P2E).exe file only and don’t open other .exe files.

Personally, ever since the origination of PTE, one of the greatest features has been the lack of a "Presenter" program. Granted, occasionally a recipient of a .zip file will have to be "trained", but I feel that occasional situation is much less trouble than having to deal with a "Presenter" as is the case with several other programs that have come and gone. My very first AV, made prior to PTE discovery, used a very good program. But now, 7 years later, when even I want to see the show, I have to search and hassle how to use the viewer or presenter. I am thankful PTE continues as a readily viewable .exe. Maybe there is some way Igor could yet improve over .exe, but I hate to distract him from other pursuits likely more valuable to you and me.

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